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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This partnership enables our BTS Commerce International students to realize their internship abroad (requested by the examining repository) in the best conditions; language assistance to complete their missions and their social and professional integration during those two months, financial assistance to support part of the costs incurred by their stay. There are between 15 and 25 beneficiaries each year, who essentially go to Spain, England and Ireland, to practice languages taught in the classroom. Host organizations are mostly companies, that students find themselves, with the help of the teaching staff; they must be integrated in a sales or marketing service, to conduct a customer survey; The purpose of this survey is to redefine the basis of existing customer data, or create a new database. The students must have a good level of the language, The two-month internship abroad are valuable entry points for direct access to the labor market, or more generally for further education in the commercial field. The alumni are very grateful for this internship as it really did boost their career.

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