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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to improve professional (by giving the opportunity to use the scientific equipment, which at the moment is not available in the host institution and by giving the chance to become familiar with more advanced research techniques) and foreign language (in particular, English) competences and to enhance intercultural awareness. The participation in student mobility will be beneficial for (PhD) students especially after their graduation. It should enhance their employability and improve their career prospects in Poland and abroad. The participation in staff mobility should increase opportunities for professional and career development of staff members in their host institution. The mobility project focused on 7 activities including student mobility for traineeships (3 activities) and staff mobility for training (4 activities). The traineeships lasted 2-3 months, whereas the trainings mostly lasted 5 days. The mobility project financially supported only 5-day-training, however, it happened that one staff member requested for the extension of the training period up to 14 days. 7 guest institutions awarded with the ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education), evolving 7 universities (3 located in the United Kingdom, i.e. in Bristol, Birmingham, Glasgow; 1 in the Czech Republic, in Prague; 1 in France, in Paris; 1 in Lithuania, in Vilnius; 1 in Italy, in Palermo), were involved in the mobility project. In the mobility project equally supported student mobility for traineeships and staff mobility for training. The contribution of females and males in staff mobility for training was comparable. In academic year 2015/2016 the percentage of female students to all the students was 86 %. The female students were dominating, as a consequence only female students participated in mobility for traineeships in the academic year 2015/2016. The mobility project supported the staff members having various positions of seniority. The aim of the mobility project was also to give the chance of having working experience abroad for those who have never worked abroad before. This goal was fulfilled for 3 participants. Students and staff members were selected to participate in the mobility project according the transparent rules officially announced on the host institution’s website. Erasmus+ coordinator actively promoted activities supported by Erasmus+ Programme (for example, by updating students and staff members with the information via e-mail) and efficiently encouraged students and staff members in the host institution to apply for student mobility for traineeships and staff mobility for training, respectively. Also previous participants in mobility (within Erasmus+ Programme in the academic year 2014/2015) were involved in promoting student/staff mobilities to the programme countries in the academic year 2015/2016. Activities were carried out based on 4 inter-institutional agreements (2 agreements are valid till the end of Erasmus+ Programme) and 3 declarations. Moreover, before participating in mobility Learning Agreement for Traineeships and Mobility Agreement for Training were approved by host and quest institutions. The aim of the mobility project was to disseminate the results obtained during traineeships and training. The participants performed series of physicochemical experiments in guest institution’s laboratories. The research results were or will be published in 4 PhD thesis, 3 papers in scientific journals and 4 poster presentations during national and international conferences. The participants of the mobility project shared their experience with other students and staff members during special seminars organized in the host institution. They presented the results of their lab work obtained during traineeships and training. They also described the guest institutions, in particular, laboratory facilities, basic laboratory rules. It was shown that the participation in the mobility project resulted in broadening of their knowledge, improving of their professional and foreign language abilities and becoming familiar with cultural diversity of Europe. Moreover, during mobility the participants also had presentations (especially staff members during their trainings) on the research performed in the host institution. The aim of the mobility project was to establish and strengthen the collaboration. Among 7 guest institutions involved in the mobility project in the academic year 2015/2016, 4 of them, i.e. universities in Prague, Paris, Vilnius and Birmingham will be involved in the mobility project in academic year 2016/2017. As a result of the mobility project foreign students/staff members from guest institutions are expected to come and participate in traineeships/training in host institution in the academic year 2016/2017.
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