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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT SEPR is a vocational training center created in 1864. SEPR trains around 3500 apprentices each year, 150 of whom are enrolled in higher education. Over the past 25 years, the SEPR has developed a proactive policy of European mobility and international openness. OBJECTIVES We want to give each apprentice the chance to live a professional and personal experience abroad and to add a European dimension to their training career path. We also encourage mobility and exchange with foreign counterparts of our teaching and non-teaching staff to get acquainted with new pedagogical practices and working methods. NUMBER of PARTICIPANTS AND their PROFILE We have planned 3 mobilities : 2 student mobilities for study and 1 student mobility for placement, in a company. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES STUDENT MOBILITY FOR STUDY - SMS * Claudia Moussu, a second year graduate in Arts and Crafts specialising in jewellery , undertook a student mobility in Escola municipal d’Art i Disseny Massana ( an art and design school ) in Barcelona. It is a very famous school, equivalent to the French National College of Art. Its workshops are open till 9 pm. Claudia has learnt new vocational techniques, such as engraving, Urushi Lacquer, Enamels, linocut. She has created several jewels. In esola Massana, students are considered as adults, they are encouraged to express their opinion on subjects linked to jewellery such as the difference between art and craft. * Jean Muller, a graphic design student, undertook a student mobility in an art and design school called Escola d’Art i Disseny Llotja in Barcelona. He was warmly welcomed by all the teachers and students and integrated well in the school. He communicated mainly in English but also used Spanish and Catalan.. He has discoverd new learning methods such as theory lessons on software programs. The subject of his vocational project was compulsory, so he created a website to promote a festival. He said that contrary to France where students have to reflect on their project, create, and even have philosophy lessons; in Spain the curriculum focuses mainly on the technical aspects. When he came back to France, Jean had to choose the subject of his final project : he decided to create a website for new Erasmus+ students starting their mobility abroad. To send students abroad for studying was our first experience ; we usually send students abroad for placements in companies. Therefore, we had to strengthen our educational support : - teachers sent lessons to the students via Wetransfer - videoconference lessons - follow-up via Skype, on Monday mornings - monthly study tours to ensure that everything was fine with the mobility. Claudia and Jean have really appreciated OLS lessons and their benefits. STUDENT MOBILITY FOR PLACEMENT - SMP * Julia Sabatier, a photographer student, undertook a student internship mobility within the Caterina Barjau studio in Barcelona, specialized in portrait and advertising photography. Julia prepared the shots (light, accessories, etc) and realized the photos during a fashion shooting ; she also retouched the photographies. RESULTS AND IMPACT - we have strengthened our relationship with Escola Massana and Escola Llotja in Barcelona - we have succeeded in our first schooling student mobility . All our students were fully satisfied with their mobility on the professional and personal level - this project emphasizes vocational technical degrees, permitting vocational students to be considered equal to university students or business school students - Claudia Moussu is enrolling in september 2016 in a new training, specialized in precious stones. She will alternate between SEPR and an hosting company. Her boss chose her because she studied abroad, so she is probably more autonomous and open-minded.
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