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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

University of L’Aquila got the ECHE 2014-2020, in 2014. At that time the university counted 636 teaching staff, 499 administrative/technical staff. Nevertheless, as it is very well known, the Italian HE system reforms and the “spending review”, together with the persisting economical crisis, reduced the capacity of Italian Universities to recruit new staff, so the number of both academic and administrative/technical staff drastically reduced with a consequent reorganisation of the relevant activities of the university. Notwithstanding this, UNIVAQ continued to consider the “internationalization” of HE a key factor involving all its components, in view of an integrated evaluation and accreditation of institutions and degree courses, according to national laws not only in EU. Thus internationalisation and participation to cooperation programmes remained for UNIVAQ two fundamental issues within the general institutional policies. The 2015-1-IT02-KA103-015510 represented a key tool for the achievement of the expected results as foreseen in the general strategy adopted and designed with a global vision of a worldwide mobility and implemented through the complementarities of funds and projects. The university strategy and policy aim to promote actions allowing students and staff to have study and work experiences in a globalised environment in order to be able to cope with the new challenges and compete in any context, through: 1) Internationalization of education at home 2) Internationalization of education abroad 3) Internationalization of research The 2015-1-IT02-KA103-015510 project concerns mainly mobility of students for study and traineeship and staff for teaching and training, and funds are allocated to mobility within EU, but it is a fundamental element for the achievement of the expected results in the wider setting as proposed in Erasmus+, that includes, as an important component, the cooperation at HE level. The contribution of the project to research is given by the support to mobility of PhDs and post-docs and the integration with the cooperation projects is given by supporting the European part of mobility within international degrees with EU and non-EU partners. The addition of national and institutional funds to Erasmus scholarships achieved the double result to involve a larger target of students helping them to cope with the difficulties which Italian families are living in, and to increase the number of the funded mobilities. The integration of this with other ongoing projects as EM, TEMPUS, INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MOBILITY etc., allowed the students and staff to implement their activities in a global environment where higher education and quality are the key factors. The number of European and International HEI Agreements increased in view of quality and sustainability. The consortia for double/multiple degrees were enlarged to n.14 and now the 7 international degrees and the EMMC degree coordinated by UNIVAQ see 47 partners of which 15 non-EU. The networks created within 13 EMA2 projects (2 as coordinator) were further stabilized even though the rules for the approval of the projects within International Credit Mobility do not support adequately the sustainability of the established relationships. Indeed, in theory the Partners involved in the projects financed in one year, could not automatically be financed in the following call, preventing consequently a timely programming of the activities. In the last 2 years UNIVAQ is managing 2 Strategic Partnerships (1 as coordinator), 4 TEMPUS (2 as coordinator) and 7 CAPACITY BUILDING HE (3 as coordinator) projects so that the existing numerous relationships could consolidate and new ones could be established. All these projects were seen and managed in view of complementarities and integration of funds and competencies and were involving all the components of the university. All the above contributed to the implementation of the institutional strategy, the Erasmus Policy Statement and the Agenda for the Modernisation of HE. In particular the 2015-1-IT02-KA103-015510 project, considered together with all the actions promoted by the University, impacted with the 5 key priorities of the Agenda, by - funding mobility and enhancing students’ awareness that an experience abroad can be a good “difference” in the global job market, - supporting staff exchanges, aiming to attune curricula to current and emerging labor market needs, - providing individuals with social and intercultural skills and employability. - making the knowledge triangle work, by enhancing UNIVAQ international attractiveness for talented students and staff from all the continents, - supporting reforms and promoting mobility, exploiting several sources of financing including structural funds (ESF, ERDF), MIUR, EMA2, ICM, TEMPUS, CBHE, and Strategic Partnerships.
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