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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The UTT couldn't make it without the Erasmus + program as it guides and finances almost half of our outgoing mobility for studies (about 300 each year) and to a lower extent for internships (about 60 each year). This support to mobility will become even more important as, considering the UTT’s will to internationalize its formations and the recommendations of the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs), UTT’s new study regulations state that all engineering students have to spend at least one semester abroad. Our 2015-2016 project was organised accordingly to the usual rules, along with a continuing adaptation of our internal processes so that potentially stumbling blocks could be improved. Several UTT staff and students are therefore contributing through the International Office to the management of outgoing students, the welcome and integration of incoming students (Erasmus and non-Erasmus), the development and implementation of international agreements, the promotion of mobility, or basic administrative tasks. Although the number of outgoing students has been steadily increasing, we have noticed for several months that the international events linked to terrorism have had an impact on the activities linked to incoming students (number of incoming students declining, cancellations, refusal to participate to cultural visits in Paris...).

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