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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Centro Cultural Nazaret is a VET institution committed to the development of innovative methodologies to promote employability. It is also committed with the idea of training the professionals of the future, qualified and ready to work in an ever changing global world. This is why Internationalization has become one of the 3 pillars of our Strategy. Aware of the importance of developing international and European skills among our students, Centro Cultural Nazaret has been sending students to carry out their traineeships in Europe for the last 15 years through different local Consortiums. Furthermore, CCNazaret’s Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 put Internationalization at the centre and a clear decision was made to increase and boost direct relationships with other European Educational Institutions. Since then, C. C. Nazaret has successfully taken part in two Transfer of Innovation Projects under the Life Long Learning programme (2013-2015), and applied for this mobility project in 2014. This project has two aims: 1. To promote contact with other Higher Education European institutions, to create a framework for staff motilities that will promote sharing good practices and learning of new methodologies that will impact in the employability of our students, and the development in their future companies. 2. To promote student mobility, especially among recently qualified candidates, so that they can improve their personal, professional, language and European skills. Two different types of activities have been carried out: a) Staff mobility has been directed towards the achievement of the first objective. C.C. Nazaret, following its internationalization strategy, has participated directly in the communication and activities with other European Educational institutions. As there was no direct relationship with other institutions before, staff with international profiles was chosen for this task. It is an objective for the following years to involve a wider variety of staff profile. For the staff mobility, two Educational Institutions were carefully chosen as they are referent in their respective fields: - Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1 in Germany, for the Administration and Commerce fields. - Seurakuntaopisto - Järvenpään kampus in Finland, for the social area. In both visits job shadowing was carried out and the following topics were discussed throughout a series of meetings: - Exchange of good practices on mobility of students and staff. - Exchange of new methodologies to improve professional competences. - Possible ways of cooperation in the future. b) Four students have taken part in internships of duration of 80 to 90 days in Europe thanks to this programme. These internships have been carefully chosen taking into account the personal and professional profile of each candidate. Priority has been given to unemployed recent graduates to improve their personal and professional skills. Results have clearly been positive. Looking at the first objective C.C. Nazaret has created a reliable net with the two partner schools. Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1 During the school year 2015 – 2016 four members of Staff from the German Institution have visited C.C. Nazaret and C.C. Nazaret visited the German school once during this period. We are currently working on: - The possibility of sharing activities with our administration and marketing students through e-twinning. - The possibility of student Exchange for motilities - The participation, along with a Dutch Institution, in a project for marketing students. - Developing the EBBD Diploma for Higher VET students in the field of Management. Seurakuntaopisto - Järvenpään kampus One person from the Finnish institution has visited our institution and C.C. Nazaret visited their institution in Finland during the school year 2015 - 2016. Three students from Finland, studying social studies, carried out their internship in San Sebastian. We are currently working with Seurakuntaopisto on: - Sending Spanish students to Finland for their internships, next school year. - The possibility of participating in a Project in the social area, along with institutions from Finland, Norway and The Netherlands. The long term expected outcomes are: - collaboration for Exchange of students for internships and rising the cuantity and quality of future mobilities - Sharing new methodologies that will develop the trainees’ profile.
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