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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Escola Sant Francesc's project 2014-1-ES01-KA103-0020 is part of our strategy for the internationalization of our students and teachers of the different vocational qualifications we offer in the school. The objectives we have in mind are to boost our students' employability, increase the foreign language skills of both teachers and staff and raise awareness and a sense of belonging to Europe. Two main activities have been carried out: i) stays for students for internships in different programme countries of a duration of between two and three months, and ii) a stay in the Netherlands for five days for a teacher of the area of commerce and marketing to do training in the field of international trade. Activities and participants In relation to the first activity, twenty-four students did their traineeship in Ireland (8), United Kingdom (12), Germany (1), Malta (2) or France (1). Of these students, twenty-three are taking their modules on our premises and the student who has been to France chose the on-line modality. Escola Sant Francesc has arranged internships in a large number of companies in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cork, Munich, Malta and Nantes which have played the role of host companies. These have been achieved through visits to cities and also via contacts in the conventions arranged by the national agency The students take part in the different programmes the school offers: 4 of them are assistants to the board, 4 in the field of Administration and finance, 4 in sales and marketing, 4 in the area of international trade, 6 students in the field of Early Childhood education, one in administration of computer systems and another one in the development of cross-platform applications programme. The students have done their internship at three different times in the course of the project: eleven of them in the period February-April 2015, twelve in the period of June-August 2015, and one in the period March-May 2016. As regards the activity directed to the international trade teacher, it was carried out for five days in June 2015, and consisted of visiting different ports in the Netherlands at key points such as Breda, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Different activities were carried out in the ports and the teacher visited companies which carry out maritime trade at this point in Europe. Results and impact Results have been very positive taking into account students and staff's questionnaires. Demand to participate in the project was extremely good and we could offer all the grants in only one academic year, as dissemination had been very successful and the message of the project and its objectives got the attention of all the members of our school. After the mid-project report was submitted, more mobilities were achieves, and once all 24 mobilities for students and the one for staff have been finalised, and given the high satisfaction percentages that students have indicated in many of the items, and given that all participants consider they have boosted their skills in terms of employability, language and intercultural awareness, we could state all objectives have been achieved and that there has been considerable impact on the participants. Moreover, many of the participants were offered a job if they ever came back, and one of them got this offer and went to live and work in Malta. At the institutional level, the impact has also been good as more and more students want to take part in the new projects the school has later achieved and the staff are now aware that learning languages is very important and the programmes for various modules have been modified taking into account these mobilities (for example, including job research techniques and documents in modules such as work guidance). Teachers are now encouraging one another to participate in the projects and want training within the framework of Erasmus+. We are now the school with the highest number of grants for Higher VET in Catalonia.

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