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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Engineer Cierva is a school with a clear international vocation, which has been participating in student mobility projects for practices since 2009, including both mobilities of Higher Education and Vocational Training, and Comenius associations. The Erasmus+ project was held at the school in order to promote different training and personal development areas that could increasing the quality of training of students and complement their integration as European citizens. To achieve these goals our institution has an European Development Project, which covers different areas: - Area of European integration. Under this area, when we started our project we proposed the development of activities with European dimensions, that could trancend beyond our locality, allowing the nowledge and integration of students in other cultures and realities of the different nationalities that make up the European Union. - Didactic area. That could allow teachers, the firsthand knowledge of the working methods of European companies (job shadowing) operating in economic sectors related to training profiles taught in the school IES Engineer Cierva de Murcia. This could have a direct effect on the formation of all students, incorporating into daily teaching techniques observed during the stay of teachers in these companies. Also, this educational area should also have an effect on students that performed mobilities, completing the students' training in European companies, learning other ways of working and facilitating the access to the labor market in the European Union. So, one of the students has joined the company where he made the training in Poland. - Linguistic area. The use of several European languages is an important element of the European competitiveness. In addition, one of the objectives of the language policy of the Union is that every European citizen, in addition to their mother tongue, speaks two other languages. The development of mobilities in Europe is an opportunity for improving foreign language skills. In this sense, the IES Engineer Cierva was one of the first vocational schools that offered vocational training in bilingual teaching. - Scope professional development. Within this area the proposed objective was the improvement of the quality and innovation, by learning new techniques and working methods, combined with the increasing of the international cooperation. This area has a direct relationship with the teaching, since the purpose of the learning acquired by teachers and by students in vocational education is to improve professional skills. In this regard, the development of this project has allowed us to be in touch with other professionals, learning the tools and working methods that they have implemented in their companies, as well as the challenges they face and how to do it. The participation in the present Erasmus+ project involved students of Higher Education who have participated in the mobility project for practices. These students have belonged to the Professional Families of Computer Science and Health, developing their training period in companies (Wales and Poland), and in public hospitals (Italy). The mobilities performed by the teachers have included the visit of companies, Vocational Training and Higher Education centers in Brussels. The impact obtained with these mobilities performed, has been very positive for the students. On the one hand, the IT students have found a position abroad, and in general the project has awoken them the need to continue with their training in a college or lifelong learnig. In addition, the possibility get training abroad has encouraged the students to select the IES Ingeniero, thinking about the possibility of these training mobilities. Regarding teachers, contact with European companies and the knowledge of other ways of working has led them to increased the interest in the internationalization of education, including the learned and encouraging students to perform mobilities in Europe.

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