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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ArtEZ University of the Arts trains students for professions in which art, knowledge and creativity play a central role. For more than 3000 students, ArtEZ offers a related selection of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in visual art, architecture, fashion, design, music, theatre, creative writing, dance and art education. At the same time, ArtEZ is a specialized knowledge institute where lecturers combine theory and practice. ArtEZ works together with a large number of partners at home and abroad, such as other educational institutes, companies, governing bodies and non-profit organizations. At ArtEZ, education is focused on students’ artistic, intellectual and personal growth. They are trained in a professional role that closely matches their talent, personality and ambition and they receive support from lecturers who have more than earned their spurs in professional practice. Because of its individual approach, students are well prepared for their future careers as arts and culture professionals. ArtEZ is one of the major art institutes in the Netherlands, with locations in Arnhem, Enschede and Zwolle. About 20 % of the students are international and ArtEZ works with many international universities and research institutions. ArtEZ works hard to implement the Erasmus programme in all departments of the organisation by increasing awareness about the programme and internationalisation in general. This has resulted in mobility abroad becoming more and more popular among students and staff. Staff and student exchanges have turned out to constitute an important driving force for internationalisation in general. Staff and teacher mobility to partner schools tend to increase student mobility to the same partner school.On a larger scale mobility evokes more mobility both within and outside the Erasmus programme. In the lifelong learning programme for example ArtEZ organised and participated in several of the intensive programmes. ArtEZ managed to continue some of these shorter projects (within our Architecture department for example) through sustained investment in the networks that were created during this programme. As for incoming student mobility we have noticed an increasing number of students that first join ArtEZ as an exchange student and later return as degree seeking students in either our Bachelor or Master programmes. The trend is one of overall expansion, of more participants (be it trainees, incoming teachers), of internationalisation being of more importance throughout the whole of the university. As a result ever more study programmes have switched to English as the main language of instruction. When taking a closer look at the destinations of this increased mobility we see that our top 5 partner institutions form a very diverse image of our international collaboration. When we put traineeships, study and teaching mobility together, there is one common denominator, The United Kingdom. Top traineeschips: Belgium, Germany, The United Kingdom Top study mobility: United Kingdom and Finland Top Staff (teaching) mobility: Austria and The United Kingdom The United Kingdom is an obvious choice for students. ArtEZ has several partners in the United Kingdom. Students feel safe going to a country where the national language is English. A language many of our students speak very well. The United Kingdom also offers a wide range of arts and traineeships and London of course is a hub for art related companies. The numbers in this report show that apart from The United Kingdom our student’s choice for a certain partner school varies a lot. These choices are often based on an educational aspect. This could be a specific proffessor the student would like to work with or a certain area of expertise a partner offers. As a University of the Arts we have seen that our student’s satisfaction levels are very high( 96.55%), overal satisfaction rate of our staff is even 100%. Which for us confirms that the partner choices we have made over the past years have been the right ones for our students and staff.

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