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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our university hosts approximately 4800 students and there is an emphasis on internationalization, not only abroad but also at home. For the benefit of increasing the number of international studies and internships inside Europe, HZ makes intensive use of the scholarship opportunities from the Erasmus programme. HZ considers it of great importance that there are also scholarships for studies and internships outside Europe. Our mission is to have 25% of graduated students who have an experience abroad. Participating in the Erasmus+ KA103-project makes this possible. HZ wishes to maintain and extend its international partner network. HZ aims for a sound balance between education, practical-oriented research and innovation (valorization) in cooperation with international partners in the triple Helix (businesses, educational institutes and government bodies). Based on its (double) profile, HZ seeks suitable, strategic partners abroad. To this end, attention is paid to accreditation results, quality and existing rankings. HZ University OAS gives all students and staff equal opportunities to enhance their skills by having an experience abroad. HZ stimulates foreign experiences and aims at 10% of its staff being active internationally each year, by means of executing one or more lecture weeks abroad. HZ facilitates and stimulates the deployment of international guest lecturers in the scope of – for example – the development and exchange of expertise. HZ also stimulates – in the scope of the professionalization of its staff – that staff develop an international orientation. For this, both EU and non-EU educational institutes can play a role, in all first and second cycle study programs. Several information sessions about mobility opportunities have led to a substantial increase of outgoing students. Teachers play a big role in promoting experience abroad, the International Office organises the Study Abroad Fair, Pre-Departure-evening and peer project. Peers who have the experience of studying or doing an internship abroad also have an influential role. Teacher mobility remains to stay behind due to the workload. Staff mobility has increased and staff member who had an experience abroad experience this as very instructive. Compared to 2013-2014 the numbers have grown with 57% which can be considered as quite exceptional. Overview 2013-2014 2014-2015 Study 47 68 Internship 57 98 Staff 1 4 Teacher 3 0 Total 108 170

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