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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

From a staff mobility perspective, it is an exchange programme for staff which offers a great opportunity for Academic and Support staff to teach or work elsewhere in one of 32 other participating countries in Europe. During 2014/15, 11 members of staff undertook training mobility and 7 undertook the teaching mobility. 16 of these staff were permanent and 2 were fixed term, illustrating that those with shortened contracts were also able to participate if they were willing. 13 participants were female and 5 were male. There were a range of activities undertaken by participants, some included: international training programmes; research collaborations and guest lecturing within other universities. Comments received about the benefits of the Erasmus scheme included continued networking with counterparts across other universities internationally and a research group has been created out of an international collaboration of interests. This research group is being continued in the year 2015/16. From a student perspective, this is a programme which facilitates student mobility for study and training purposes. It enables inbound and outbound students to study in a different country and higher education context without disrupting their academic progress at their home university. While we only had 2 outbound students we had 22 inbound students whose presence in the classroom alongside their British peers lead to an enrichment in teaching and learning from a student and tutor perspective. Feedback from inbound and outbound students in 2014/15, as well as from students who did not take up these opportunities, has helped the University to review and revise some systems, procedures and activities. This had a positive impact on outbound numbers for 2015/16.

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