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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GSA has a long history of international student exchanges and a significant number of full-time international students. An outward focus, together with a local grounding, has long been part of its ethos and it has a long history of involvement in the Erasmus programme. Many of our undergraduate programmes enjoy high levels of student participation in mobility both within and outwith the Erasmus programme. The objectives of this project have been to maintain mobility numbers in areas of already high participation whilst increasing participation amongst under-represented academic disciplines. Progress has been made in this area by our department of Fashion & Textiles increasing the number of participants and our Interior Design department is now also fully participating in mobility. Most participants - as anticipated - are students, and we have a higher number of female participants than male participants which is a reflection of our student body. Our architecture school has continued their objective to further familiarise a broader range of staff with the curriculum of their partner institutions with three staff members participating in teaching exchange this year. Now every year leader has participated in teaching exchange. GSA students have undertaken 3-12 month study exchanges and during the year a number of work placement students have sought to extend their stays abroad, which fortunately, we have been able to fund. During the course of the year GSA has been successful in further embedding the use of the Learning Agreement into institutional culture, at both the planning and undertaking of the exchange activity. We have used this in both our Erasmus and non-Erasmus exchanges - demonstrating it as good practice in mobility. This has helped clarify the academic purpose of the mobility. GSA continues to benefit from the inter-cultural skills outgoing and incoming exchange students bring to the studio and the broader aspect of post-graduate opportunities - both study and work - are reflected in graduate destinations. We are pleased to see from our incoming student reports how well they are included in the life of the school, and this is evidence of our commitment to exchange as an integral part of our study experience.
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