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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Between June 1, 2014 and May 31, 2016, The State University of Applied Sciences in Elbląg implemented the Erasmus+ KA103 Project - Higher education student and staff mobility. During the period of Project implementation, 7 new inter-institutional agreements were signed, which concerned students leaving to complete a period of study and staff visits, as well as 8 new agreements with institutions accepting students for their placements. 32students were sent to complete their placements by the University, including 3 recent graduates. 12 students travelled to study at partner universities, including one student from a disadvantaged environment, which means that Erasmus+ Programme funding was not used and the financing came from the PO WER Programme. Due to the practical nature of the teaching programmes at the SUAS in Elbląg, particular attention was paid to the proper organisation and level of student placements. The University's participation in the Programme so far has enabled completion of a significant number of placements abroad. The University is still interested in improvement of the placement system, particularly with reference to increasing the range of available placements abroad, which will provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in foreign enterprises and institutions. Within the framework of the Programme, for training purposes, 5 lecturers and 3 members of the administrative staff travelled abroad, participating mainly in Staff International Week events organised by universities. The greatest number of students travelling to complete a period of study came from The Institute of Pedagogy and Languages. Student placements abroad are undertaken in greatest numbers by the students of The Institute of Economics and The Institute of Technology. At the SUAS in Elbląg, 5 students from Spain and 3 from Turkey completed a period of study in the following programmes: Pedagogy (2 students), English Philology (3), Mechanics and Machine Technology (3). The rules of project implementation, including the recruitment process, principles of recognising the mobility period and those referring to financing are included in the resolution of the Senate of the SUAS in Elbląg in the form of Rules for trips within the Erasmus+ Programme framework. In each teaching programme, the University provides students with a list of courses conducted in the English language along with the learning outcomes description. The students' trips to study/complete their placements as well as trips for lecturers and other staff members within the Erasmus+ Programme framework are promoted through the University website, messages posted on the University Facebook profile, leaflets distributed among students, information placed on the Academic Career Office notice board as well as through the meetings with the former Programme participants. Additionally, shortly before the recruitment begins, Erasmus Day is organised, during which the University Coordinator describes all the aspects of the recruitment procedure. The Erasmus+ Programme is beneficial not only for the students but also for the University itself. The possibility to travel to partner institutions is an effective argument during meetings with secondary school students, who are potential candidates for studying at the SUAS in Elblag. A list of all universities with which the SUAS in Elbląg has established cooperation is available on the University website, on information boards in all University buildings and in the students' hall of residence. In order to present the Project outcomes, the University makes use of the Internet and the social media. Written by the Project participants, during and after their stay, recollections, impressions, tips and descriptions of benefits are posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The participants present their experiences during information meetings for the new candidates and the whole academic community. Also, interviews with the participants are recorded by the University television. Articles concerning Project implementation and its participants are sent to the local media, published in the SUAS Bulletin and in the information brochure for candidates for studying at the SUAS in Elbląg. The incoming students actively join the University and city life. More and more frequently, international conferences take place.

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