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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a Mobility project for HE students and staff with programme countries. The figures for outgoing students are for SMS: 218 and SMP:99, which makes 317 student mobility periods in total. That is 15 students more than last year, in other words ca 5% increase. The corresponding outgoing staff figures are as follows: STA: 55 and STT: 38, which makes 93 staff mobility periods in total. That is again 10 staff members more than last year, in other words 11% increase. We are happy to introduce the results, because the numbers have been growing year by year, not radically, but e.g. the figures for SMS have nearly doubled since the beginning of Helsinki Metropolia UAS in 2008. The numbers for SMP are 30% higher since the beginning of Metropolia. The numbers for STA are not varying too much; 50-60 teacher exchange periods from year to year, whereas the numbers of staff exchange periods for training have doubled as well since the beginning of Metropolia in 2008. The Erasmus+ -figures form at least two thirds of the whole outgoing student mobility in Metropolia. The E+ -figures are on the increase, because of the external funding. That is really something, and it is highly appreciated. International mobile figures are vitally important to all HE institutions them being one indicator when allocating the funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The numbers of the incoming students flow are usually lower than the numbers of outgoing, the inbound figure is 276. The general goals of internationalisation of the Finnish higher education institutions have been defined in the National Strategy for the Internationalisation of HEI in Finland 2009–2015, by the Ministry of Education. Metropolia has defined internationality as a strategic goal in its strategy. Metropolia's International Aspects in Strategies are briefly the following: International Competences Since Metropolia educates students to become skilled graduates for the needs of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, it is necessary that the international competences of our students develop during their studies. But how can we achieve that? The mobility period plays an important role in achieving the goal, as as shown in the Participant Report results. After a mobility period - the student is more confident and convinced of his/her abilities, and knows better his/her strengths and weaknesses - the student is more able to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures and see the value of different cultures - the student is more able to adapt to and act in new situations - the student is more open-minded and curious about new challenges - the student is more able to plan and carry out his/her learning independently - the student has increased his/her sector- or field-specific skills (mobility for taineeships) The teachers' international competences, including education, experience and contacts, are in a key position. In addition, the staff at supporting services must have international know-how. Our international students and those applying to Metropolia need services in English. The development of language skills and the skills to communicate with people with different cultural background develops through training and experience. Again the Participant Reports show very positive results (language, job satisfaction, good practices, co-operation, contacts). It is worthwhile to discuss in development discussions with your supervisor which skills should be practised systematically and think when e.g. a staff exchange could be relevant. Partner Networks The development of a partner institution network for each field of study or degree programme depends on many different issues. There is variation in the needs of the field, the content of education and the geographical emphases. Some of the partnerships have been going on for a long time with two-way student and/or teacher mobility. With some partner institutions there may not be active student exchange, but the co-operation may consist of different expert co-operation and short-term projects. Research and Projects Metropolia's international projects vary from large research and projects with HEIs and research institutes to curriculum development projects of just one degree programme. The research and project co-operation can therefore be a vast project gaining national or even international visibility, or co-operation of a couple of enthusiastic teachers which then develops into increased competences of students and staff. Support of Interculturality One of the primary aims of the Strategy for the Internationalisation of HEIs in Finland is supporting a multicultural society. We must be able to create flexible routes for students with immigrant background to UAS studies. We must also support students whose mother tongue is not Finnish or Swedish. International competences rise in a key role in this, as well.
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