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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus+ program implemented by the Academy of Music in Krakow (AMK) is a response to the need of improving curricula and creating new connections between education, Art and science. The Programme helps also to increase the chances of graduates of music specialities on the local and international labor market. The aim of the project is to improve overall competences of students and graduates required by employers, necessary to function in today's music market, such as: managing own career or professional development. With the implementation of Erasmus + AMK has been seen as more attractive for foreign institutions, students and teachers. On the other hand, our students and professors gained broader perspective of their professional development and professional career in the field of Music. Erasmus+ provided recognition and promotion to our institution not only in Poland but also beyond borders, contributing the balance between education, science and art locally and internationally. The program is implemented in accordance with the European policy of development of higher education (Bologna Process, UE 2020) and constitutes the basics for intercultural dialogue as a platform and a network for exchanging experiences among multicultural academic community. In 2014-2015 AMK actively collaborated with 24 European partner organizations including HEIs, music schools, libraries, music ensembles, choirs and orchestras from more than 12 countries. Recruitment included all Faculties: Composition, Interpretation and Musical Education; Instrumental; and Vocal and Drama. Direct beneficiaries were not only students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level of study, but also academic and administrative staff. AMK completed 40 outgoing mobilities:19 SMS/Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom (including 5 participants from social fund PO WER); 5 SMP/Czech Republic, Spain, Germany;10 STA/Belgium, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom; 6 STT/ Spain, Germany, Italy, Turkey.To our university came 43 incoming beneficiaries: 15 SMS/Finland, France, Spain, Latvia, United Kingdom, Italy; 3 SMP/Spain, Turkey, Italy;19 STA/Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Lithuania;6 STT/ Lithuania, Italy. Mobilities included compulsory and optional courses, practical and theoretical classes; lectures and workshops (eg. master classes), recitals and concert projects (as a part of the strategy for the dissemination and evaluation). Students of SMS were awarded ECTS credits; mobilities of SMS and SMP are included in Diploma Supplement; ST - in the tab of the academic teacher. Indirect beneficiaries were students of other fields and specialties involved in open workshops and projects; local communities (the audience of recitals and concerts) who acted as opinion makers and promoters of intercultural cooperation. Indirect beneficiaries were also other musical institutions. Immediate benefits are, among others, modernization of curriculas and teaching materials and improving musical skills, and language competences. Long-term benefits include the creation of new opportunities in the labor market by expanding the capacity of beneficiaries to acquire new professional, personal and communication skills, broadening horizons, widening insight about self-promotion. Beneficiaries gained knowledge about new ways of exchanging professional experiences and methods of sharing knowledge about modern methods of teaching of undergraduates and graduates at European HEIs. Erasmus+ goals has been achieved through dissemination of national and international music, improvement of knowledge on the techniques and interpretation of music of different styles and genres, and through opportunities of exchanging information on professional activities. Added value is a preparation of future projects and mobilities within the frameworks of multilateral cooperation; gaining insights about international strategies of other European HEIs; building new professional contacts; improvement of mutual relations between partner institutions. Public recitals and concerts that are a part of a project, were effectively promoted in social media, on the academic website; in newspapers, on the radio; and through posters - not only to our academic community but to general public.

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