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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has long held teacher and student mobility as a high -priority training target and therefore applied for and obtained the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020. It is the sole beneficiary of such a condition within the frame of the Erasmus + Programme, which was accordingly appointed as one of the school's educational targets, as well as one of the main assets of our educational offer in terms of European programmes and student mobility. We had already been holders of the 'Erasmus Extended University Charter Student Placement' for 2008-2013, within the frame of the lifelong learning programme. Such scheme generated nine work placements for our students (SMP): 2009: 3 2011: 4 2013: 2 From 2001 to 2008 we took part in the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme with 20 students enroled in work placements in Bolzano (Italy) every year. From 2008, 19 students have joined the Work Placement Scheme (FCT) in United Kingdom, Ireland and France through European mobility programmes (FCT Europa) The present Project aims at enhancing qualification levels towards the goals set for Europe 2020, where 40% students should reach higher education or an equivalent level. We have therefore set our own goals: • To improve the quality and pertinence of higher education, thus contributing to the enhancement of the student's personal and professional competence. • To enhance learning quality and professional ability through mobility and international cooperation, aiming towards creating added value in the students' schooling, as well as an increase in their employability levels and a greater implication in the country's culture and language. • To establish links between school life and the working world. • To improve leadership abilities and sources of finance. Two mobilities were granted for work placements of students in countries participating in the programme. Both of them were carried through successfully, as well as a 'zero grant'. Before the mobility both students had taken some of the school's grades and their profiles were: A student from the higher grade of transport and logistics and a a holder of a European Framework B1 Certificate in German. The aim of this project is to obtain theoretical knowledge and management procedures to deal with the transport of goods and people in an international context. • Two students of the higher grade in Cross Platform Development holding a B1 European Framework Certification in English. This grade focuses on the design and analysis of computer applications for companies.. In order to accomplish the programme, a series of activities have been implemented before the mobility: • Towards dissemination and awareness creation around the project: ◦ information meet-ups for students and other members of the learning community. ◦ Creation of a special section about the project in the school's website ◦ information leaflets • Selection of students according to fair, coherent criteria, supported and published transparently in the school's website. • Company search ◦ National companies with branches in other countries of the EU and/or on a commercial relationship with institutions from other countries, chambers of Commerce or partner companies on our Work Placement Programme. ◦ Companies in the target countries developing activities related to the syllabus of the grades implied as far as the working language applies. An agreement was reached with a United Kingdom based company. ◦ Companies suggested by the students once suitability was checked. Agreements were reached with Germany and Poland. • Making and management of required paperwork for mobility by complying with criteria and principles established in the European Charter for Mobility Quality. • Elaboration of efficient procedures for the mentoring and supervision of participants. • Assistance to students during the formalities for the mobility insurance. During the mobility, a follow-up was designed according to pre-established procedures. Once the mobility finished, it received validation through the school's Placement Programme. In order to attest the participation in the programme, the students obtained a certification from the companies including full details about duration, activities, etc. The participants finished their mobility successfully and achieved the expected capacities and competences. Most of the goals were achieved and the language competences improved. All of them valued the experience highly both professionally and on a personal and multicultural level. Employability has materialized into two students getting a job contract in the target company. A questionnaire has been prepared in order to measure the project's impact in the long term , to be delivered to the participants next year.
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