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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Monte Castelo is located in Burela, a village on the coast of Lugo. IES Monte Castelo is an institution of Secondary Compulsory Education as well as Further Education, which also provides Vocational Training in Healthcare (Intermediate level courses in Nursing Auxiliary and Higher Education courses in Environmental Health) together with Higher Education courses in Physical Activities and Sports. It also provides education for adults at different educational levels (ESA, High Secondary Education). Our center has a long experience in European projects, since 1995 it has been committed to innovating education with a European approach. The current project was about work placements carried out by 5 of our students in companies in the sports industry in the Italian city of Potenza. The companies were arranged by our host partner IREFORR (Regional Institute for Training and Research) in workplaces that have been selected prior to the onset of flow to suit the needs and preferences of each student. Specifically these centers have been a football club with a sports school for base teams (ASD AccademiaCalcio Potenza), a pool (Splash Pool Montreale ASD) and a macro-gym (Palestra Fabrica, Health Club). The project coordinator did an observation visit during the month of July and she had the opportunity to see first hand the mentors and business facilities, as well as details of the stay. IREFORR (Potenza- Italy) is a cooperative founded in 1984, dedicated to the training of professionals, which also manages work placements in national and international companies and offers consulting and assistance for students in Vocational and Professional Training, university students and professionals who want to get some work experience or exchange good practices at local and international levels. It has an experience of more than 15 years as an institution dedicated to the management of Leonardo, Erasmus and Lifelong Learning projects, IES Monte Castelo being one of its regular partners because of the personal relationship that has been established among the people in charge of both institutions. Our project was aimed at final year students of Higher Education Training courses in Physical and Sports Activities. These students had previously passed the theoretical and practical modules and had to pass a final training module at their workplaces (FCT), a total of 380 hours. This module is compulsory and is carried out in companies of the sports industry where students have the duties and regular schedule of an ordinary worker, but always under the supervision of a mentor who should evaluate their training. The project aims to achieve that some portion of those training hours (288 hours in particular) are developed in companies in another country of the European Union, in this case Italy. This training is recognized in the ordinary academic qualifications students get at the end of their Professional Training, but they also get two certificates from Italy, one from the work center and one from the host center IREFORR. These participants will also be credited with the Europass. The students’ mobilities were conducted from April 1 to May 30. Our students were tutored all throughout this period, in both the workplace and the host center. Their stay was continuously monitored and an evaluation of their work was reflected in the folder each student kept of his/her work placement. At the end of the internship, students get a certificate as Senior Technicians in Physical and Sports Activities. With this mobility IES Monte Castelo intends to provide students of the Higher Education courses with a formative experience in a European workplace, a market they will access in the future, acting as a first contact that brings them closer to Europe. Learning Italian as a foreign language has also been promoted. Since Spanish and Italian are very closely connected languages, the communicative competence achieved by pupils has been very high (European level B1 / B2), considering the length of their stay. The coordinator visited Potenza from 21 to 25 July and could see that the satisfaction our students showed was in relation with that of the people they worked with there (tutors, users of sports facilities, etc.). Our students did not just meet the requirements of a few days of internship in businesses that are involved in various social and sports projects, but also created bonds of friendship. The cooperation between institutions and organizations from different countries has been strengthened, to improve the mobility of trainees within the European Union, promoting equal opportunities, thus contributing to increase their training as a European added value.

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