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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

2. PROJECT SUMMARY In the Escuela Profesional Javeriana (Vocational Training School of the Xaverian Institution), we offer our students of our Training Courses [2 year studies] in "International Commerce", "Administration and Finances", "Dietetetics" and "Guide, Information and Tourist Assistance", the possibility of carrying out their training internship in companies of different countries with the purpose of improving the professional, personal and language skills for a better future insertion in the working market. This period of practical training is part of the students' education program and it is required in order for them to obtain the final certificate "Técnico Superior" (Certificate of Higer Education). This experience will bring along the adjustment to different methods and ways of organising the work and will make possible for our students to bring into practice the knowledge acquired at the Escuela Profesional Javeriana. At the same time, they will have access to means, equipment and instruments which are not available at our Educative Centre. Our aim is that they achieve important social abilities for their coming professional inclusion and that they widen their employment prospects and their professional qualification. We highly value the personal development of our students in order for them to acquire more self-confidence, independence and personal maturity. Getting to know and living together with other cultures, working means and ways of living is highly entriching for the students. It increases their awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries and offers them the opportunity of building up networks of international contacts. We promote an active participation in the society of the hosting country, which can help develop a citizenship awareness and a european identity. We consider it essential to improve the linguistic competence of the participants, which will be of great value to their future job search. After the practical training of the students in other countries, they have better chances for their professional future, as they have learnt new ways of working and relating among colleagues. The information provided by our students about their internships to future Erasmus participants is very important, as it encourages and motivates them to get to know other cultures and to improve foreign languages. The teaching staff is highly aware and involved in the Erasmus project and the EU-values and are willing to develop educative programs that are more attractive to the students and aim to improve their professional competences. During the academic year 2014-15, 6 students have been selected (following the selection criteria established in our education centre and offering a wide broadcasting so that all students could have the possibility of applying), 3 of whom received the Erasmus grant and other 3 went unpaid (0 grant). There were 2 students of "Tourism Guide, Information and Assistance" in Macedonia, 1 student of Dietetics in Croatia, 2 students of International Trade in Estonia and Turkey and 1 of Administration and Finances in Croatia. This students have performed their training internships in different countries, after being informed about the training program they had to do and the final assessment criteria. Two of the students of Tourism have done their internships in a hotel, handling with intern and extern documents of the hotel company, client sheets, bookings, assisting on customer care and check-in and out of groups, participating in event organization. The two students of International Trade have done their internships in two quite different companies, both of them of product sales to the outside market. The activities developed by them can be sum up in: analizing the variables that intervene in the development of strategies in international marketing, defining procedures to obtain relevant information to carry out international markets research. The Dietetics student has cooperated in technical analysis and identifying the sampling points, learning to use the working equipment, doing sensory, microbiologic and physical and chemical food analysis. The student of Management is now able to handle the administrative processes of the company, to prepare and do the paperwork of all types of documents related to the administrative areas of the company. Analysing the activities done by the students, we consider that the results have been very satisfying from side of the students as well as from the companies. Therefore these would like to continue participating in the practical training of our students. This cooperation with companies of different countries is very beneficial for the teaching staff as it helps us to get to know different ways of working and allows the school to be in touch with the company reality, which favours the professional preparation of our students, as our activity is mainly related with the education for a work inclusion.

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