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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Avignon strives to create a dynamic environment for the internationalization of its degrees thanks to the support of The Maison de l’International (MDI) whose task is to promote, support and facilitate inbound and outbound mobility for students from all fields as well as staff and teachers, whether tenured or not. The MDI comprises an international Office (SRI) dedicated to mobility, and a school of languages (SDL) for Intensive courses in French among others. During the academic year 2014 2015 the University of Avignon has welcomed 833 foreign students (about 11% of its total number of students) either as applicants for the intensive French language course from our School of languages, students taking diploma courses or exchange students form Europe or outside Europe. Since September 2013, most degrees, from bachelor’s to Masters, require internship abroad. Since September 2014, various Masters’ degrees offer a number of courses taught in English. To spur mobility, the SRI is structured as followed: it comprises a manager in charge of settling MOU and coordinator of the two administrative staff in charge of the administrative part of student mobility; Its actions are reinforced as followed: each faculty has designated a study advisor in charge of international questions and academic integration who informs incoming students on the courses to be taken, and give guidance to those with a mobility project. The study advisor’s actions are then backed up by an administrative staff that coordinates the pedagogical issues for incoming students, such as the study programme, registration in courses, statements of acquired study results. An integration week takes place at the beginning of each semester, including an intensive crash course in French (for free), a meeting with the Erasmus Student network and other Avignon student syndicates, the official introduction week, faculty orientation programmes, a welcome buffet, a one-day outdoors activity excursion. A language as well as an academic issues and daily life tutoring are also offered to incoming students along the semester. Assistance is also provided for questions concerning housing, insurance and bank account. Courses in French (18 hours per semester) and academic skills (30 hours in spring semester) are also offered to incoming students. For outbound students, English with specific purposes courses are compulsory for every degree, at all levels, including PhD students. Other languages such as Italian, Spanish or German may be taken as an option. Optional courses in counselling on mobility project are also on offer. Staff mobility (whether for teacher or administrative personnel) is also dealt with by the International Office manager who informs on the possibilities and give guidance to the project. Compared to other universities the University of Avignon counts more students on state grants than average. For that reason, financial support is key issue for our students with a mobility project. Particular attention is thus given to those students.
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