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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ilerna started with mobility projects in 1991, first with a linguistic objective but soon the school realised that it would be very important for the students to have the opportunity of learning other ways of working and getting used to different cultures. Every year we tried to get at least a group of 15 students to do for 15 days a work experience abroad. That helped a lot to start a process of internationalisation of the school. In 2013 we obtained the Erasmus Charter and this was a qualitative and quantitative jump into the internationalisation of the whole school. We could offer the students the opportunity of doing a whole training module abroad, our previous set-up helped us to encourage students to do that. Our local area is quite rural and it is not easy to encourage students to move even if when they do it they realise how much they have learnt and matured. We made contact with South West College and analysed the possibility for our students to study three months abroad at this institute. It seemed feasible, and showed us that for the teachers to be in contact with others schools from the same sector was extremely interesting and wonderful way of learning. During that year we prepared our project. We signed our first agreement for studies and personnel in the field of IT and training. This opened a new way of working and instigated huge progress in the internationalisation of both schools not only for the students? experience but also for all the teachers? learning and sharing with foreign colleagues. Aside from that agreement, we contact different companies from the professional sectors that we have in Ilerna to offer the students the possibility of training in different EU countries, we have different companies to meet the students? needs. For Erasmus 2014/2015 we had, as our main objective, to settle our internationalisation program and to improve what we had started. The main targets were: *to establish a stable link with the companies where we had sent students the previous year for training *to collaborate with South West College with new branches of studies- more specifically, the image and sound branch- *to regulate the structure and transparency of ECTS *to introduce in the school a new philosophy of being European and international *to establish a basis to regulate the whole program *to motivate more students and teachers to take part in the program *to make the school community more conscious about how important it is to participate in these sort of experiences In 2014 we received 10 grants for students- 4 grants for studies and 6 for training -and 2 for personnel. We had to change two of the studies grants to training grantsbecause the selected students preferred that option. Concerning the teachers, we also proceeded selection process the teacher and they participate in the training option. In the previous selection we had 14 students that wanted to participate in Erasmus program, 3 for studies, 4 for training and 7 for post-studies. From these we selected the 10 best to receive the grant. The selection has the following criteria: 30% based on academic results, 35% based on attitude & maturity and 35% based on language ability. Regarding the teachers we had two selected teachers based in their implication in the program.The students were from the different branches from the school: Health (Dental Hygienist), Administration (personal assistant and administration), Web development, Image and sound (3D animation).Activities done: Previous year 1) Speech about mobility with the students explaining what the program was about, to encourage participation and to teach the benefits of mobility. We offered a guest speaker (an old participant) and some video testimonies from previous experiences in the same field.2) Talks to the families of the interested students.3)personal meetings.During the year 4)General explanation to every class 5) specific talk to every class 6)Talk to the parents 7) Start of selection process. After the selection process,8) we gave a general talk again about the procedures and then personal ones where we talked about the different possibilities offered for each branch and modality. Once the student had been chosen we give information about the grant agreement and the learning or training agreement. In January we sign the grant agreement for studies and in April we sign the grant agreement for training, post studies and personnel. We can see that every time we have more students interested in mobility in order to improve their general skills what means that all the effort is having fruits. The school is progressing into a fantastic situation where the teachers want to enroll fully in the program too and motivate the students? interest in the international market and their willingness to enter into it.Our target will be to improve in all our procedures for mobility and that 50% of the students and personnel could participate in a mobility program.

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