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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project KA103 which was implemented at Pozna? University of Economics and Business during academic year 2014/15 enabled its I, II and III cycle students to take the part of their studies at the abroad partnership higher education institutions, as well as to carry out placement in the foreign companies (students and graduates). Teachers and administrative staff had a chance to benefit from the Programme, by participating in trainings and conduct lectures in foreign partnership institutions. For projects purposes, Pozna? University of Economics and Business signed 128 inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in 26 countries participating in the Programme. The aims of the Project were: 1. Creation of the international academic community by increasing the incoming and outgoing teachers and students; 2. Continuous improvement of the studies quality and building the attractive scope of teaching programs in foreign languages; 3. Extention of the international relations network which will allow to transfer the knowledge, to conduct common researches, to make our scientific and teaching activities more international and innovative and, last but not least, will allow Pozna? University of Economics and Business teachers to improve themselves. In the category of study exchange the PUEB has reached high numbers: 202 outgoing students (while 211 were included in the Agreement with the National Agency) as well as 162 incoming students. Moreover, PUEB has reached high numbers of students going abroad for a placement. In the comparison with the previous year, PUEB gained the 60% increase of students and graduates mobility number for abroad placement. In the academic year 2014/15 43 people went abroad for placement, which is 9 people more than planned in the Agreement with National Agency. In the category of teachers and administrative staff exchange, every year the PUEB?s is able to notice the increase of interest in Erasmus+ Programme. Because of this, in the academic year 2014/15 we could observe the 78% increase of teachers and administrative exchange number. 25 academic staff members went for teaching (initial number in the Agreement ? 16), and 25 teachers and administrative staff went for training (initial number in the Agreement ? 12). When attending the mobility, students were able to know different teaching methods, increase their academic knowledge level and, during the placement, were able to get new, important for their future job, skills. Moreover, language tests OLS fulfilled after students mobilities confirm the increase of the language level. Among soft results should be mentioned first of all acquire the abilities to work in an international environment and cooperation with people from different cultures. Those skills create the European added value. What is more, by taking part in abroad mobility, participants of the project gained new experiences, expanded horizons, increased their independence and ability to cope with new situations. According to PUEB internal regulations, the academic staff is obliged to participate in mobility abroad in various forms. Erasmus+ Programme enabled workers to implement teaching program (conducting lectures) and trainings aims. Additionally, the stay abroad contributed to gain new experiences in the international academic community, to establish/ strengthen cooperation between PUEB?s staff and partner universities? staff, as well as to compare the functioning of educational system in different countries. Those benefits create the European added value. The University engaged in many activities which led to the promotion of the Programme among students and staff of PUEB. Programme participants on every stage of implementing the mobility received a high quality service, access to true and accurate information. Thanks to that PUEB recorded very high satisfaction results among mobility participants: 100% of staff participated in the Programme, 98% of students taking the part of their studies abroad, 95% of students having their placement abroad and 98% of incoming students pointed out the high level of satisfaction from their experiences gained during the mobility. Participation in the project enables to achieve long-term benefits: 1) promotion of PUEB in the international community during the organized international events (conferences, symposiums); 2) strenghtened the cooperation with existing foreign partners (conducting common educational, training and scientific activities); 3) acquire new foreign partners for educational and scientific cooperation.

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