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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project proposed for the academic year 2014/2015 is the reflection of the strategic plan set up since 2012 at the University of Lille - Science and Technology. This strategy aims at several objectives: an intensification of the outgoing mobilities of our students (both studies and internships), a strengthening of strategic cooperations and privileged partnerships (in particular in North-Western Europe and targeted European partnerships) as well as structured support to the staff aiming at encouraging the internationalization of our institution (for example intensive courses of English in the United Kingdom). The participants in the Erasmus programme have numerically and historically always been important at the University of Lille - Science and Technology. Approximately 1500 students leave every year for mobility abroad. They divide up in a homogeneous way between the mobilities of studies and internships. Indeed, since a few years, the internationalization of the academic degrees has been on the way. More and more academic degrees have a true international impact, for instance 22 degrees are at present totally taught in English. There are numerous degrees, the vocation of which is international (economics, marketing etc.). For other degrees, training is very closely connected with research and the international contacts have to be favored. Furthermore, the international mobility is from now on compulsory in Engineering schools. The University of Lille ? Science and Technology includes two engineering schools: Polytech' Lille and Telecom. The international mobility concerns all the students of Lille1: from IUT (University Institute of Technology) to the Master's degrees (and more and more at the Doctorate level). Certain faculties are very active like the Faculty of Economics and Social Science, the Faculty of Biology, the Business Institute which encourage the mobility of their students as soon as the academic year starts. The students make their mobility of studies during the second year of DUT (two-year technical degree), mostly in the European Union (but more and more outside this one), during 3rd year of university (Bachelor degree) or in the 4th year of university (master degree). For the mobilities of internship, they take place rather in the 5th year of university (last year of Master?s degree). As regards to the teaching mobilities, they are numerous and more and more used for the structuring of partnerships like joint degrees. Joint degrees are rapidly growing at the University of Lille - Science and Technology: around thirty were opened in 2014/2015. These mobilities of structured teaching are at the core of strategic partnerships. They give the possibility of evolving towards Erasmus + projects (joint masters). The last aspect concerns the training mobilities. So, in order to allow the administrative staff to get some improvement in the command of English language (in particular oral command), a training plan was worked on in connection with the Department of Staff Training. It offers the possibility to attend an intensive class of English in an institution of higher education or a body recognized by British Council during the summer period (from June to September). This plan meets a big success and introduces a drop of international into administrative departments: like Culture, Human Resources, accounting, Sports etc? Encouraging the international mobilities of our students, is an undeniable asset to strengthen their employability and their open-mindedness. In 2012, the University of Lille - Science and Technology, created the International Label, awarded to every student who made a mobility abroad, who has a certification in foreign language (level B2 + minimum) and who followed a training course about interculturality organized by the Service of international relations. Every year, around thirty students are labelized during a Ceremony emphasizing their outstanding route. The International Label is contained in the Diploma Supplement. Strengthening the international mobility of our students and staff, improving their language skills, acquiring intercultural skills to evolve professionally in a multicultural environment, pursuing the internationalization of the degrees as well as the everyday University life and by the same way strengthening its attractiveness are among the main objectives that the University of Lille - Science and Technology aims at reaching through a daily work within the international network (Central Office of International relations and Offices in the Faculties and Laboratories), which is a at the very heart of our internationalization.
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