Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
IEFP Tartanga has always encouraged and offered its students and stafft he possibilityto improve their professional and lingïstic skills in other organization in Europe.Therefore, it has intenationalisation as one of its estrategic aims and for that purpose it formed an International Department which raises awareness abaut European culture and informs about erasmus+ grants, as well as runs differentes internactional projects; always, with the suppport of School leadership team. Additionally, the school boots multilingüal education and currently we offer, among otheres, four high technician degrees in Spanish and English.
The objective of the project was the mobility of students and staff. The number of students involved in the project has been 4 and the number of teachers 3. The profile of the students has been:
- One student, Higher Technician in 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments.
- Two students of Higher Technician in Social Integration.
- One student, Multiplantform application development.
- Three teachers of Image and Sound Department.
Activities of the students:
- On-site training in companies for three months in the fields related with their degrees.
Activities of the teachers:
- Study and job-shadowing in the University of the West of England during 5 days.
- All the students has acquired the knowledge, skills and competences programmed and the receiving organisation has provided the Traineeship Certificate and our institution has recognized the traineeship.
- The impact of the mobility allows that the staff will use the knowledge acquired in their classroom activities and they also shared their experiences among the teaching staff in a meeting at the end of June and other different meetings in Image and sound department.
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