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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By its participation in the highly anticipated new phase of the Erasmus programme, Brno University of Technology follows up on successful realization of student and staff mobilities and support of the international cooperation within the previous LLP and Socrates programmes. The necessary renewal of all the interinstitutional (formerly and still informally known as "bilateral") agreements with partner HEIs provided good opportunity to "look back" to previous performance and fulfillment of the international goals of BUT and their eventual revision. In regards to overall changes in the conditions of the programme, BUT has also revised its internal processes, issued a number of up-to-date policies and supportive methodology. A special emphasis has been put on information services, information management and promotion of the programme, as well as continuous automation of the processes of the programme administration, in order to facilitate the administration and to provide a system of internal control and fail-safe measures. As far as the activities are concerned, BUT has continued its involvement in four crucial activities, i.e. student mobilities for study and traineeships and staff mobilities for teaching and training. Recent graduate traineeships have not been performed, as priorities would be current degree-seeking students, among whom there have been plenty of applicants thus far. However, BUT plans to introduce this activity in the limited and quality-based manner in the future. With all the mobility activities, further emphasis has been put on thoroughly transparent and non-discriminatory selections process and in case of a tie between applicants, preference has been given to those without previous mobility experience. BUT has reached its planned goals in terms of mobility numbers. With an very minor exception of Staff training (where BUT nevertheless ranks amongst the top universities in the Czech Republic), there have been a slight increase in comparison with the previous academic year (see figures below). In conclusion, BUT hopes and believes that in the following six years of the Erasmus+ programme, it will reach further increase in mobility and other international activities, which will make BUT attractive for future applicants and potential partners both within and outside the academic area.

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