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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus+ KA 103 Mobility Project for Higher Education and Staff. The Art School of Murcia is a Higher Education Institution providing Short Cycle Studies in Art. Two year courses are implemented in six different modalities: Artistic Jewellery, Model Making, Sculpture, Photography, Illustration and Animation. All modalities include a Traineeship period at the end of the course. At present the Art School is the only institution in the Region of Murcia where students can enter Higher Vocational Training in Art. Our institution applied to the Erasmus Program for the first time in 2007, (Erasmus Charter 2017-2013) performing different movility activities within the framework of the LLP. More precisely: 55 SMT, 36 SMS and 17 STT, 91 student mobilities and 17 staff mobilities. Our main objectives have followed the line established in 2007, updating them to adapt to the new program Erasmus+ and ECHE 2014-2020: 1. Opening boundaries to Higher Education in Art by establishing links with other European partners. In order to do so, different partners prophiles were selected by students and staff to widen the possibilities of including all modalities offered at our School. 2. Developing an International Strategy based on promoting relating to other Higher Educations Institutions in Europe, similar to us regarding methodology and professional orientation. 3. Offering students and staff the possibility to discover art techniques, materials and tools used in other countries. Selecting small size companies and studios allowed an easier and more fluent communication. During the 2014 call we have registered 29 mobilities: 13 SMS 2nd year short-cycle students of Illustration, Photography, Sculpture and Model Making. 10 SMT 2nd year short-cycle students of Illustration, Photography, Sculpture and Jewellery. 6 STT 5 academic staff of the Artistic, Humanities and Scientific-Technological Departments and 1 services staff. All SMS students completed satisfactorily their program and two of them extended their stay to a full year one. SMT students did equally in terms of Traineeship period fulfilment expressing their personal and professional satisfaction with the experience, the responsible people at the studios were equally satisfied with the students' performance during the placement and are willing to further cooperation in the future. Teachers as well as the service staff member returned highly motivated from their contact with other institutions. As a result our institution has obtained great academic and professional enrichment within the field of Higher Artistic Education and its labour market. Both students and staff members have eventually integrated themselves in an international context, updating their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Regarding languages, all participants have improved their language level by immersing into different languages such as Italian, English, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Latvian, Czeck, Slovak and Finnish The job opportunities scope has been broaden for the students participating in both SMS and SMT mobilities and some students are still working nowadays for their studios even after having finished their placement period. All this has contributed to a noticeable increase towards renewing expectations, updating and promoting educational improvements in our institution. In general all participants in this call show great concern for the importance of getting to know other cultures and ways of living in Europe. This project has contributed to create a highly positive network of academic and professional partners. We hope to continue expanding boundaries, improving our educational quality and establishing new international relations.
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