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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Higher School of Art and Design of Saint-Etienne (Ecole Supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Etienne, Esadse), founded in 1803, is one of the 44 Beaux-Arts schools certified by the Ministry of Culture. She has, as primary goal, to educated artists, designers, creators and more generally creative and innovative professional actors. She welcome around 350 students per year. The Esadse is committed since 1991 to an international relations policy based on the mobility of students and artists. In 1998, she created the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne, crucial step that generated multiple partnerships. The Cité du design, international centre of research and innovation through design was born from all of these successes. Since 2005, the Cité du design organises the Biennial where the school plays a central role. In 2010, the Cité du design and the Esadse regrouped under the status of a public institution of cultural cooperation. That same year, Saint-Etienne was named UNESCO creative city of design. This designation brought new partnerships to the cities part of this network. The European partnerships are major: 29 Erasmus agreements and 23 non-EU agreements. The Esadse has also developed a strategy of international networks as she is an active member of: ELIA (The European League of Institutes of the Arts), CUMULUS, ART ACCORD France. For this contract, 26 students left for a mobility semester including 18 with the Erasmus + programme. The Esadse devotes a semester of the curriculum to the mobility. The school trains artists and creators by following a teaching method that is specific to French art schools based on the experimentation for the emergence of a personnal project presented for the diploma. In this context, the mobility is an intercultural experience that makes a lot of sense. To favour this emergence, students are encouraged to find internships or to pursue a semester in a partner institution during the semester 7. During this dedicated time, students can make the most of formal and informal learning processes useful for the development of their project, their employability or their capacity to make a living as an artist or a creator. Amongst the positive aspects of mobility, some students decide to continue their studies in partner schools in order to graduate with a master. We also observe a growing number of students that wish to make a career abroad. The Esadse also welcome 26 international students including 13 with the Erasmus + programme. The students are integrated into the various levels of the Esadse. They participate fully to classes, to the schools activities and they benefit from the school’s technical and technological workshops as well as from the divers equipment. A French course is also dedicated to Erasmus and international students. The interactions that we stimulate between the entering and leaving students benefit to all for the integration and preparation of departure of the future leaving students. The mobility of staff and professors supports the Esadse’s commitment to the international development of the institution. It is essentially organised around workshops, classes, international projects and other events. These activities contribute to the professionalization and the international promotion of students who participate in activities and to the development of the teachers’ and staffs’ careers. This year 12 staff and professors benefited from the Eramus + mobility program and have contributed to the realisation of important projects for the art and design option: Vino+ Design at the initiative of the Politecnico of Milan resulted in a conference in the French Pavilion of the Rhône-Alpes region at the Universal Exhibition of Milan 2015. The participation to the festival NeuNow of ELIA in Glasgow who led to a university trip and to the application of three young graduated to the next Festival in Amsterdam. The creation of a teaching week that links theory and practice under the form of a workshop-seminary “French Theories” in partnership with the ugam from Montreal and the Académie Royale ba-Esa from Brussels. The project of crossed workshops and exhibitions with the textile design department of the Arba-Esa of Brussels. The project Fukushima mon amour, presented in the exhibition “Saint-Etienne changes design” for the XXI Triennale of Milan 2016, regrouped works from design students of the Esadse. This project was the opportunity for meetings with the Fablab of the Politecnico of Milan in order to evoke future collaborations. Thanks to Erasmus +, to the commitment of the school and to other financing programs, we have pursued our goals to enrich and modernise teachings and to be a dynamic force in the European and international sphere of artistic teaching. We have also contributed to the professionalization and promotion of artists and graduate designers and participated in European programs
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