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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The State Conservatoire of music of Salerno takes part in the Erasmus Programme since 2008. From then on, it has been a period of constant work, whose aims have changed during time. In the first years all efforts aimed to encourage the mobility, spreading information about the Programme and establishing inter-institutional agreements. More recently, our principal aim has been to stabilize procedures and practices, to insert the mobility in the academic context, to clearly define roles and responsibilities and, in the end, to internationalize the conservatoire. Since 2012 our institution has adopted procedures and regulations which guarantee the full recognition of all the credits gained abroad, traineeship periods included, as integral part of the academic curriculum of the students. In 2012 we also improved our Diploma Supplements: as a result, our institution has been awarded with the European DS Label. The conservatoire has its own “Procedure for Erasmus mobility and International activities and relations” which ensures the application of procedures and practices that respect the principles of the ECHE and the rights of the participants in the mobility; furthermore, it inserts these principles and practices in the academic context with appropriate times and processes, clearly specifies roles and responsibilities and guarantees full transparency and an effective communication. Nowadays the conservatoire has more that 60 inter-institutional agreements with likewise institutions in 17 Programme Countries and 1 Partner Country. We have regular exchange relations with our partners. The outgoing students mobility has raised constantly during these years. Our institution places itself among the first Italian musical higher education institutions as concerns the number of outgoing students. Many of our outgoing students come from a disadvantaged social and economical background: these students have been the first to understand that the Erasmus mobility is a unique chance to change definitely their lives. Many of them now live and work abroad, in the place where they made their Erasmus mobility and where they’ve found the possibility to realize their projects, overcoming the disadvantaged conditions in which they grew up. Compared to the academic year 2013/14, in 2014/15 the students mobility for study increased of 50% and the mobility for traineeship of 67%. The percentage of students taking part in a mobility currently amounts to 2,65% of the whole students population of the bachelor (EQF level 6) and to 3,35% of the master (EQF level 7). The teachers mobility increased too (+11%). Even more significant is the growth of the students incoming mobility, which has been a key aim of this academic year. For the first time the conservatoire of Salerno has hosted a high number of incomings (8 for study and 2 for traineeship) from 5 different European countries. We have spent big efforts in making the course catalogue and the main information required by the ECTS package available in English and in arranging structures and initiatives for the welcoming and the integration of the incoming students. These objectives have been fully reached, not only from the quantity point of view but also from the quality one. That is testified by the high percentage of satisfaction expressed by the students themselves, particularly in the fields of integration and of the received assistance. The presence of the incoming students has brought many advantages to the whole institution, which has updated its didactical offer catalogue and has started a big process of internationalization. In September 2015 the conservatoire started a work of implementation of its website, in order to be provided with an appropriate tool for the online publication of the ECTS package, that is today only partially published and that will be completed during next academic year. Finally, the artistic production played an important role in our project too. We've organizad some international music events: the “Erasmus on Stage” festival (this year it was the 4th edition), in which the students returning from their mobility have taken part; the “Erasmus concerts”, in which the incoming students have been involved; several workshops hold by guest teachers and aimed to productions; some “Masterclass concerts”, in which guest teachers and internal students have been involved together. The specific features of the musical studies require the artistic productions as one of the main activities in order to increase the quality of the Erasmus experience both for students and teachers, since they represent one of the most important tools to exchange experiences and to enhance didactic and artistic innovation.

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