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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The institution is participating in this kind of projects from the very first years and during this several years of participation it was inevitable the institution would also have to adapt itself to the constant demands and news to this project, which since its beginning has passed through many changes. In this context, the institution managed to follow all evolution of the project till the present day and it will continue making this effort to attain one of its main strategic goals: a higher level of internationalization and the increase of its IN and OUT flows, either students and Staff (teaching and Non teaching) who are the "ambassadors" of the quality in our institution. As main results of this project we have to highlight the following aspects regarding outgoing flows: 52 Reported Flows regarding staff and student mobility; 77% of the flows granted to the students were achieved; An increase of 33% in Teaching and Non Teaching Staff was reported regarding the numbers granted; All participants filled and submitted their Mobility Final Report in the Mobility Tool. The financial and organisational effort that, for some years, the institution endured to increase all flows within this project is now giving a good feedback, since the participants number is getting higher and higher and their satisfaction level shows beyond of a doubt the quality level of each achieved mobility. It was also possible, through this mobility activities, to increment and reinforce the cooperation with partner institutions and at the same time enlarge the institution's international contact network which most of the time is based in the trust established between the participants. Finally, another aspect to emphasize and which impact in the institution is quite real is the exchange of good practices, either for the administrative and organisational services, as well as within an academic level.
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