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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the project period one MS student went on Student mobility for studies for one academic year to the Swedish University of Agriculture, S UPPSALA02. Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS) was not needed for the student. In the autumn of 2014 six incoming Erasmus+ students visited AUI; one MS student from Latvia on two months traineeship programme, one PhD student on student mobility for studies in Landscape Planning and Architecture from Czech Republic, she prolonged her stay until spring 2015 and four BS students on student mobility for studies for four months, one from Sweden and three from Germany. On Staff mobility one teacher went on Teacher exchange to Germany, D KOTHEN01 for one week and one teacher on Staff training to Czech Republic to CZ BRNO01 for one week. Decline in student mobility from AUI between years might be explained by the fact that for almost half a year the university did not have any staff hired on international relations. Both outgoing and incoming student and staff members were very content with their mobility and disseminated their experience to the relevant groups.
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