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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Roehampton has participated in a variety of European funded projects, including various iterations of the Erasmus+ programme, for many years now. Erasmus+ enables us to fulfil key institutional strategic goals, particularly in the context of employability. It is also strongly embedded in our degree programmes within the Department of Media, Culture and Language, and plays a fundamental role in the success of our modern languages students. In the academic year 2014-15, 27 students participated in an Erasmus+ mobility; of these, five students were optional (not a mandatory part of their degree), whilst 22 were required to participate in an international experience as part of their modern languages degree. One student participated in traineeship and the remaining 26 chose study placements. Ten students undertook two study placements within the same academic year. These numbers are relatively consistent with previous years, although there has been a steady increase in optional students participating in Erasmus+ exchanges. In 2014-15, 11 staff members participated in teaching mobilities through the Erasmus+ programme. Participants were from departments across the institution, demonstrating engagement with the programme especially within the humanities areas. Participation the programme has anecdotally increased academic staff engagement with internationalisation generally, making them advocates for student participation in study abroad programmes in the future. Participation in Erasmus + has allowed Roehampton to fulfil its responsibilities to students on modern languages programmes. It has also helped to enhance engagement with outward mobility generally at Roehampton thanks to the financial support that participants receive. Finally, supporting staff to participate in outward mobility is key to Roehampton's internationalisation aspirations and ensures Roehampton students are taught by global advocates.
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