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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Montanuniversitaet Leoben, as a university with fields of study aligned along the raw materials value chain, is currently implementing an internationalization strategy. Within the strategic decisions taken by the university management, it was decided that special focus should be paid to mobilizing students and staff to participate in international mobility schemes, among them ERASMUS+. We are seeing increased demand for mobility throughout our university and we hope to build on this action in the years coming Based on the letters of motivation of the students, the mobility of our participants within 2014-15 was driven by their motivation to advance in their studies, but also participate in the cultural experience around ERASMUS+. There is a clear trend towards the English-speaking higher education area that is due to the fact that our students do speak English very well, but in most cases lack further language skills. Just about one to two students every semester go and study in another language but English. Within the category of staff mobility, we see a clear trend that mobility is easier to carry out by our academic staff. This is due to the fact that they have an easier time getting away from their home institution for a week than an administrator. However, we do see an increase in people taking place in trainings and we believe that the numbers will rise as we focus more on these mobility schemes as well. In general we believe that the we did well within this project period as we fulfilled our goals for mobility actions within the program. There were only slight variations to the applied numbers in all categories. The fact that were are precentage-wise quite strong in the category of student traineeships is based on the fact that a compulsory traineeship is imbedded in our BSc curriculum and many students make use of the ERASMUS+ option for that. The immediate impact for the university is that the network of academic contacts is being broaded with every single student studying at a partner instition. They bring back contacts for the university that go beyond the administrative level and open doors for future student mobility. On the staff side the networking component is of utmost importance and contacts established during staff mobility have lead to further collaborations on the research side as well. In sum, we believe that our ERASMUS+ involvement is constantly improving and we hope that in the coming years we will be able to motivate even more of our students and staff at Montanuniversitaet Leoben to participate in the ERASMUS+ program.

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