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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vilentum University of Applied Sciences sees the EU as its natural constituency, and has a 30-year track record to illustrate the shift in policies that this vision has brought about. Vilentum promotes and stimulates debate on European issues and achievements, and offers study elements on the EU as an integral part of all programmes, a rarity. The developmental shift in the university over this period has largely been from regionally oriented to European to truly international. Currently (2016), the university population is15% international, from many countries inside and outside the EU. This percentage is seen as ideal for a. the development of an international environment for the Dutch at the university, including specialized staff and b. providing an international community within which international students can flourish culturally and academically. Vilentum strives to maintain this level of international ambiance in the university by taking part in the Erasmus+ programme. Within this programme Vilentum facilitates student mobility and staff mobility and is pro-actif in the promotion of the Erasmus + programme. The university is proactive in fostering respect and tolerance between individuals or groups of different ethnical, cultural or religious backgrounds or persuasions. Discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs, sexual orientation, nationality or political conviction is expressly forbidden to both staff and students. The university teaches and informs its community on this policy. In exchange contract relationships, each and every movement is set out by the international office at CAH Vilentum, faculty of Vilentum University. Students and staff are approached and selected individually, their program is assessed by the Examination Committee or its delegate, and both students and staff cannot go on the exchange without express permission by both the sending and receiving parties. This is signaled by the presence of a signed study, learning or internship contract. Work placements further need a signed agreement of the company, and the placement contract is a precondition for the recognition of the period and award of the credits earned. Monitoring of these actions takes place on the basis of specifically allocated coaching teaching staff from Vilentum who are in regular contact with the trainees and exchange students and staff. This is coordinated by the international office. Thus, in the project period 821 student outgoing mobility days were achieved and 79 staff mobility days, in which the student activity overwhelmingly focused on practical training in line with their study programmes, whereas staff mobility for best part centered on maintaining insitutional relationships and developing new projects, mainly curricula.
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