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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and antecedents of the project: - Professional field Computer Science and Communications: Higher Technician in Development of Web Applications, Higher Technician in Multiplatform Applications Development and Higher Technician in Computer Network Systems Management. - Internship embedded in the student's curriculum, counting towards the degree (FCT), and the possibility of making extra-curricular internship for students and also for newly-qualified higher technicians. - Some of the subjects in these degrees are taught in both our native language and a foreign language, which is either English or Portuguese, depending on the subject. - Previous experience: 5 years in Erasmus, 2 years in LdV, 2 years in Erasmus+ KA102 and 2 years in Erasmus+ KA103. - eTwinning projects with European Quality Labels, with national and international prizes. - Intermediate partner of LdV and Erasmus+ KA102 mobility. - Sending and hosting partner of job shadowing. Objectives of the project: - To improve the language skills in the foreign language - To extend the job opportunities abroad - To facilitate the mobility of students in their curricular internship and in their subsequent working life. - To acquire a sense of belonging to the European Union - To increase the attractiveness of the VETs - To know other countries' education system in relation to Computer VET. Number and profile of the participants: - Curricular internship: 10 students (5 of Computer Network Systems Management, 3 of Development of Multiplatform Applications and 2 of Development of Web Applications). - Extra-curricular internship: 1 student of Development of Multiplatform Applications. - Job shadowing: 1 teacher. Description of the activities that have been carried out: - Internship period: * 11 weeks: 4 students in the autumn of 2014, 6 students in the spring of 2015 and 1 student in the summer of 2015. * Destinations: companies in Dublin, London, Prague and Naxxar. - Job shadowing: * 1 week in spring of 2015. * Destination: Trinity College, Dublin. * Supplementary activity: monitoring of 4 students who were doing their curricular internship in Dublin. Learning outcomes and validation and recognition of acquired skills: - Performance of tasks of computer technicians related to the speciality of each computer VET degree. - Performance of new supplementary tasks, related to other aspects of computer science. - Acquisition of organisational skills and competences. - Training activities provided by the companies. - Improvement of language skills of the participants, with the possibility of certification by Spanish Oficial School of Languages, Cambridge, CAPLE-FLUL, etc. - Incorporation of the results to the Europass CV and Europass Language Passport. - Europass Mobility Certificate issued by the sending and receiving organisations. - Europass Supplement of the diploma. - Certificates of foreign language courses issued by the sending and receiving organisations if appropriate. - Application for Quality Label of the eTwinning project as an example of good practice in the use of the TwinSpace for management of mobility projects. Expected benefits and possible long-term impact: - Job in the same companies for some of the the participants. - Employment potential in other companies of the same city. - Employment in Galician companies after including this experience in the CV. - Certification of their level in foreign language to improve their employment prospects. - Increasing the attractiveness of the VET studies at IES San Clemente through the dissemination of the project results. - Appreciation of the VET studies at IES San Clemente by Galician and Portuguese institutions, after sending letters to disseminate the project's results.
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