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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND GOAL According to UEMC internationalization stragedy in 2014 when the application for funding was presented focus will be on international collaboration that supports the university’s core activities and results in added value by exchanging knowledge and talent. The Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes has been working with mobility since 2004 with the Erasmus-Socrates program. Hence we can say that they are a solid background in this kind of project, aligned with one main idea: internationalization must be embedded within all academic environments and the university must create optimum conditions to enable all parts of the university to seize opportunities for international collaboration. NUMBER AND PROFILE 52 participants in total might not seem a very significant number, but a description of a bigger picture is now required to acquire fully understandment of what KA103 implies and means to our academic community (staff and students). During the academic year 2014-2015 the UEMC had a 2,5% of student Mobility out of the total students enrolled in official degrees. Regarding the staff mobility (STT, STA) 21 people out of 206 total staff participated in the program what means an overall 10 % of participation. ACTIVITIES RELATED The International Affairs Office together with the Centro de Estudios del Español organized two free courses of “Spanish for International Students” at the beginning of each semester to help the incoming students with their communicative competences. Regarding the ougoing students the UEMC Language Center offers courses in different languages covering all the possible destinations according to our Erasmus Agreements. The different language requirements for each receiving HEI are on the web at all times and the students will be given a placemente test to make sure the meet the “recommended language level” marked by each HEI. Orientation Weeks, both for incoming and outgoing at different times of the year. With incoming students at the beginning of both semester to give them information about the city, the university, immigration, housing (if anyone has not found housing yet,etc) . The outgoing orientation weeks include information about the program in general and in particular the different procedures involved in the process, not only academic but also logistics, deadlines, etc. The parents are also welcome to attend this orientations week and we found it very useful since their concerns differ from the students’ concerns. Refreshments are provided at this type of events. In all Orientation Weeks, a delegation of ESN Erasmus is invited and the present the incoming students all the activities organized by ESN, cultural, social, sports events, etc. and also the offer guidance in their immersion process, especially the first weeks. The UEMC manage a group in Facebook: BUSCO ALOJAMIENTO EN VALLADOLID. It is a close group where lanlords and students looking for housing meet. Other students looking for roomates can also advert their offers there. It has proved to be a very usulful tool that does not require a lot of time to manage. Also, the International Affairs Office offers constant support to the incoming and outgoing students through Facebook: RESULT AND IMPACT The results have been very positive for all entities participating in the project. The benefits are so vivid and the implications of a correct management at all levels have concluded with the creation of the web UEMC International, a landing web page orientated for incoming students from all mobility programs, free movers, etc. This is a clear sample of the commitment of the University to the international students and the quality of the guidance and service given. The impact in Internationalization is major since at this point is the main program for incoming and outgoing mobilities (students and staff) so is one of the principal working lines in the Internationalization Strategy at UEMC.
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