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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

University of Life Sciences in Lublin realized a project ERASMUS + Agreement No. 2014-1-PL01-KA103-000443, in the academic year 2014/2015 The aim of the project was to realize the mobilities of students and staff recorded in the Financial Agreement with the National Agency following the guidelines described in Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) and University Strategy of Development/Internationalization. The main qualitative and quantitative obcectives for project management in relation to international partners and mobility of participants described in these documents have been achieved. Within the project both student mobility (for studies/for traineeships) and staff mobility (for teaching/ for training) between seventeen Programme Countries were carry out. Participants have possibility to go to 17 countires in Europe (included Turkey). The total number of realized mobilities is 117, which is 92,86% relative to number of planned mobilities described in Annex 2 to Financial Agreement (126 mobilities) and 198,31% relative to number of planned mobilities in the original Financial Agreement (59 mobilities). Of the total number, 83 regard student mobility (53 studies, incl. 6 with financial social support; 30 traineeships, incl. 7 recent graduates) and 34 regard staff mobility (18 teaching, 16 training). All student and staff mobilities were recognized and confirmed by an appropriate document. General level of satisfaction of participants af all mobilities (outgoing/incoming) is 96,67 - 100%, confirmed by the fact that 12 students realized studies, the same year partipated in mobility for traineeships and 7 students realized also mobilities in previous year. While satisfaction with the experience gained reach 97,59 - 100% and acquired competences 70 - 100% for studnets and 80 - 100% for staff. The main results of the project for the students are: raising the academic qualifications and knowledge of foreign languages, including professional vocabulary what has led that Erasmus students after finishing studies at home university undertook doctoral studies abroad (France, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology); received and accepted job offer abroad (The United Kingdom, Turkey - private veterinary clinics and hospitals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) or took a job during mobility (Turkey - teaching English at the School of Foreign Languages, in addition passing the exam and obtaining the qualifications to teach English for foreigners, Veterinary). Results for the staff/faculties/units include: improving the qualifications to teach in foreign languages, what increase the number of courses taught in English; exploitation of research results to improve curricula, inter alia, through dissemination and implementation of research results in the teaching process; participation in specialized (vocational) training courses enabled the introduction of the latest achievements of knowledge, research related to the given subject area to the curriculum (veterinary medicine - pathological anatomy) and to increase the degree of specialization; improving teaching methods through the introduction of innovative technologies and teaching methods - e-learning platform (veterinary medicine - biochemistry); continuation of joint research with foreign partner institutions as a result of mutual exchange of the staff, whereby creation a new joint scientific-research project (horticulture - botany). For the universities the most important results are: increase awareness among students and staff about Erasmus+ programme; increasing the number of bilateral agreements and widening their scope in reference to the subject areas of education; enhancing the quality of education and level of internationalization. Above results were reflected in the impact of the project on the local level (strengthen the university prestige making it more attractive to candidates); at the national level (increase the position in national rankings of universities, increase the exchange ratio, which contributed to the increase in grants for universities from the budget of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and at European level (to increase the visibility of the university). Described results hidden long-term benefits, such as: a proposal from foreign partners to sign a long-term agreement for traineeships mobility to private veterinary clinics; continuation of on-going projects; improvement of curricula using the results of scientific research; European specialist qualification (parameter in the evaluation of faculty for international accreditation) through the participation of staff in specialized (vocational) training courses. The cooperation in the international arena is a key factor for the future of the University and its beneficiaries, and the project Erasmus+ programme is both a tool and support in the process of internationalization of the University.

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