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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context of the Project is the study of Translation/Interpreting in European Languages. Froom the Point of view of the Institution, a period of study or working Placement abroad is of greatest importance to deepen and improve the knowledge acquired during the study at home and for the later use of that knowledge in work. The goals of the Project correspond to the Long-term Goals of of the Institution regarding the implementation of Quality Standards of the study and the increasement of the number of students with experience abroad. Participation (21 students in all, 8 SMS and 13 SMP) corresponds with the average of participation of the last years, in total figures and regarding the distribution in SMS and SMP as well. Although the Institution wishes to increase the participation rates, there are some Limits to that Goals because of the structure of the study in Translation/Interpreting, occasionally personal doubts of possible participants and an uneven Distribution of partnerships for study and Placements. All participans are students of Translation / Interpreting in English, French, Russian or Spanish, but Partner institutions are mainly to be found in Spain an, to a lesser degree, in France, while it ist very difficult to find partners in the UK. In order to increase the attractivity of the Programme, the Institution seeks first to offer a permanent Support before, during and after the mobility, which includes intense communication with Partner institutions for practical purposes (housing, social contacts). Secondly, activities abroad are included in the Diploma Supplements as a certificate of additional initiatives and know-how, and thirdly the recognition of study results abroad is continually expanded. For the participants, the results and the effect of a stay abroad are very positive. Most of them Report in a positive way of that time and seize the oppportunity given by that experience to widen knowledge and relationships in their later professional context. For the Institution, the participation in the Erasmus Project is a central part of ist international Profile. Yet, These positive results do not find Expression in the participation numbers. Partly this is due to a slight drop of the number of students. Also, it seems that the readiness to go abroad is not as pronounced as some yeears ago. Still, seen in the context with earlier Projects from the Socrates and LLP-period, the Institution has greatly profited from the Programme. In the organization of Projects and in coordination of Curricula with Partner institutions, a continuous tendency to adjustment has taken place and continues to do so.That, obviously, allways dependent on the rules established in study programmes. Nevertheless, this coordination leads to a common Standard of Quality for the study of Translation / Interpreting.
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