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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goals for this grant year were to increase staff mobility to other HEI's in European countries and to continue developing links with our current partner institutions. To ensure high quality of mobility periods through preparation programmes for staff and students and by providing on-going advice and guidance. Staff benefit from exchange of best practice and to contribute to their continued professional development and the quality of the delivery of higher education at Inverness College UHI & to encourage students to undertake periods of mobility Students will benefit as a result of a new outlook, enhanced life skills and better job prospects. At an institutional level this will translate into translate into better job outcomes for graduates as well as enhanced student experience. Erasmus activity at Inverness College UHI will signal the college's contribution to establishing the European Higher Education Area and stimulate awareness and participation from students and staff.

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