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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background: The Erasmus+ Project at Trinity Laban is run on a small scale with a limited staff (2 x part-time administrator). Despite being small, we consider the Erasmus programme to be an important part of our programme. We consider it to be an enriching and vital part of our internationalization agenda. Although we have only have a small number of mobilities per year, the impact of those mobilities on the individuals concerned is almost universally positive. Trinity Laban is a professional music training conservatoire and as such the contacts and techniques gained by European travel and study are inevitably immensely helpful to our students and staff in building their careers and professional networks. The Dance faculty has only very recently become involved in the Erasmus Programme (for whom the programme is only 2 years old). OBJECTIVES: 1. To maintain or increase outgoing mobility levels for both students and staff This objective was not attained. Due to particularly low interest from our outgoing students this year we were only successful in placing four of our students in Foreign institutions. Of these four one of the students was placed in Switzerland and was therefore not able to participate in the Erasmus Programme and another one decided to return home after only one month on the programme due to personal issues. The reasons for the lower level of interest may have been the change in school policy to reduce the maximum period away from a full year to four months. These changes were made at an institutional level due to funding and academic issues. 2. To maintain or increase inter institutional partnerships This objective was attained. A number of new inter-institutional partnerships have been signed over the past year due to exciting new student applications. All of our old partnerships have been maintained. 3. To disseminate information in an effective manner to outgoing students This objective was partially attained. Two comprehensive information sessions were held in the dance faculty and the music faculty. The dance faculty session was well attended and resulted in 10 applications to the programme. The music faculty was far less successful if gaining attention and only 3 students came to the information session, despite reminders and information being sent out by email well beforehand. 4. To maintain or increase incoming student intake. This objective was attained. Our incoming student intake was more successful, with over 50 applications being considered and 5 places being taken up from approximately 8 offers. 5. To maintain or increase incoming teacher intake. This objective was attained. Our incoming teacher intake was also more successful, with four completed incoming exchanges and several put in motion for 2015-16. 6. To maintain or increase outgoing teacher mobility. This objective was not attained. Our outgoing teacher intake was also less successful, with only one completed outgoing exchange. Unfortunately the nature of the lives of performing musician teachers often mean that their diaries are filled for years in advance. We are now beginning to take this into account and are planning our exchanges two years in advance. PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS: The numbers of our exchange programme were so small this year that it is not possible to draw any significant conclusions regarding the profile of our participants.

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