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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aberystwyth University's Erasmus+ mobility exchanges for students and staff. Our programme is in place to promote cross-cultural awareness, to increase foreign language fluency amongst our students and staff, to promote the exchange of best practice and expertise, to help add to the diversity of student and staff experience and increase international experience amongst students and staff. Our 2014 mobilities consisted of a total of 118 placements, broken down into two parts: 113 student mobilities and 5 staff mobilities. Of the student mobilities 81 were study mobilities and 32 were traineeships. Of the staff mobilities 4 were teaching and 1 was a training mobility. Activities undertaken by students include study within the HE sector, work training within private companies and teaching assistant training and language learning through the British Council. We have had many reports from the students themselves that this has increased their cultural awareness, their confidence, tolerance and problem solving abilities. In the long term it stands to reason that they will be a more mobile and competitive workforce. Staff activities included teaching placements and administration placements within university departments. The results attained have included the practical exchange knowledge and best practice, and the practical exchange of views and practices on teaching and learning related activities. This has benefited both institutions. Long term benefits include Aberystwyth University's ability to deliver quality education to students and created an more flexible institution with increased outward facing world views. The benefits incurred by both institutions relating to the exchange, are the improvement in administrative processes and increased innovative potential.

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