Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background KU has a strong international focus as evidenced in its strategic plan. There is a long history of participation in EU and Erasmus+ projects at all levels. Projects at E+ & European placements impact students, administrative and teaching staff that all benefit from career enhancement and personal growth. The mobility that is engaged in impacts not only those who participate but also the University and students that the participants return to. For some students, mobility will be a life changing experience that will shape their future career or study direction. An E+ placement for KU students is even more an intercultural experience rather than a language experience due to the study programmes available. Partners are selected where academic modules are taught in English, however students have the opportunity to study a European language as well as engage with the local student and cultural scene. Training and teaching mobilities are carried out through a wider variety of institutions. Objectives Two key elements in the international strategy of KU with respect to international exchange and traineeships are: i) The integration of a significant global experience into the learning experience of all students ii) The provision of authentic international opportunities to improve the employability of students, offering students added value to their study experience. The objectives for this cycle of Erasmus+ KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals include: * An increase in mobilities of all types and levels, although student mobility is the priority * The development of a more balanced geographical and subject area balance within partnerships * A widened portfolio of multiple projects to include in addition to mobility, short programmes, joint programmes, traineeships, language, research and engagement with third party external organizations * Incorporation into mobilities which target both academic and cultural development Numbers,types and description of activities. KU sends over 120 UG students abroad each year with a mandate within the strategic plan to increase this number by 30% by 2020. A larger number of incoming students study at KU under a variety of structures: exchange, study abroad, 3 + 1, short term fee-paying. E+ supports this internationalization activity through grants paid to students for European mobility. In this first-year of the 2014- 2020 Erasmus+ cycle, KU has achieved the following outgoing mobilities: Student outgoing: 19 students for 4 months Traineeships: 9 participants for 7 months Training Mobility: 4 participants for an average of 5 days plus two travel days Teaching mobility: 17 participants for an average of 5 days plus two travel days Gender balance is observed and widening participation although a small number in this project identified. Activities will be developed to encourage students from disadvantaged backgrounds and disability to participate in mobility. This outcome reflects the anticipated mobility in the original grant application although traineeship numbers were lower than expected and staff numbers higher. Lessons have been learnt in forecasting proposed mobilities. Impacts attained The number of European partners (including Switzerland) has doubled since 2013, providing students with a wide variety of placements. Encouraging students to study in Europe has not been an easy task and with the understanding however incorrect that a student cannot study in Europe without a European language, developing partner university opportunities where KU students are comfortable to live and learn has been key to the internationalization strategy within the International Office over the last 3 years. The development of a new exchange opportunity ? the International Year ? has also been developed with European mobility in mind. This new exchange year is offered between a student?s second and third year of study at Keele and provides a year of complementary study as well as the opportunity to develop language skills. As many more departments come on board, Europe will be a destination of choice due to the grant and the proximity to the UK. Mathematics has been offering the International Year for the last two years and it provides evidence that Europe will be of interest. In 2015 ? 16 six students have travelled abroad, four are spending their first semester in Europe. Longer Term Benefits European mobility provides distinctive opportunities for students. Although Europe is a continent in its own right, it does provide placements closer to home for students without experience of travelling and living abroad. The benefits also extend to staff. With the appointment of a Dean of Internationalization in 2015, European research and academic links are seen as a key resource in the internationalization strategy. Future mobility opportunities through E+ will relate to department, school and university strategies.

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