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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project facilitated the mobility of both staff and students with our partner institutions. This is a continuation of our ongoing programme of exchanges, which has been running successfully since the 1990s. The main objectives are: to maintain and continue to increase the RCM's international profile; to give students the opportunity to experience study in another European country, broadening their experience of different teaching techniques and cultures and future career prospects; to permit RCM staff to develop their professional skills and experience different teaching methods in other cultures; to invite staff from partner institutions to share their skills and experience with our staff and students; and to develop further our relationship with our partner institutions. Due to the small size of our institution, the number of staff and student participants is usually in single figures each year. Students normally go on exchange during the third year of the first cycle or the second year of the second cycle, for one academic term/semester. Participating staff members vary in level of seniority and come from a variety of Faculties. They include first-time participants and those who have developed longer-term relationships with partner institutions upon which they wish to build. In 2014/15 four RCM students (three undergraduates and one postgraduate) undertook a period of mobility as part of the Erasmus scheme, vising three different countries. Seven incoming students from six different countries visited the RCM in return. Eight members of staff took part in outgoing teaching exchanges, and we hosted 12 incoming staff mobilities. The outgoing mobile students all reported their exchange as a beneficial experience. The relatively high number of mobile staff this year meant that a large number of students at both the RCM and our partner institutions were able to benefit from their teaching. The programme enabled us to maintain our ongoing relationships with our long-term collaborative partners, and also to develop some new connections, which may lead to other collaborative projects in the future.

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