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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In view of the mobility for students, teaching and non-teaching staff realized within the 2014-1-HR01-KA103-000051 Project, the institution in which the mobility is realized should be primarily taken into consideration. RRiF College of Financial Management is a higher education institution which offers two study programmes: the undergraduate professional study of Accounting and Finances and the graduate specialist professional study of Corporate Finances. Most of the students are part-time students, who principally do not participate in the mobility programmes, or their number is rather low. Although RRiF College supports mobility for all the students, it is understandable that they do not have the opportunity to participate in the mobility programme considering the social and economic circumstances in the Republic of Croatia. Full-time students do not create the students’ base at RRiF College, i.e. their number is significantly lower. The realization of the projects should therefore be observed in such a context. Despite the above stated initial difficulties in realization of the mobility projects, RRiF College considers internalisation through participation of the mobility programmes an important factor for development and modernisation. The main goals of the Project were: - to enable to two students to participate in the mobility programme in order to study and /or to perform their practical work - to enable to two members of teaching or non-teaching staff to take part in the professional training - to enable to two members of teaching or non-teaching staff to hold lectures. Besides the above stated goals, which are specific for the 2014-1-HR01-KA103-000051 Project, the general goal is to develop an international dimension of RRiF College in accordance with the Strategic Plan of Internationalization of RRiF College. Within the realization of the Project a large number of activities were conducted within the Project cycle, in order to promote the Project and to include a rising number of students and staff, which has resulted in the successful implementation of the following: • Promotion of the Project through regular informing the students on the possibility of participation in the mobility programmes on the website of RRiF College, social networks, notice boards and the IT communication system of RRiF College, • Organization of the Erasmus Info Days for students, enabling them to participate in the activities through personal communications, • Regular informing the teaching and non-teaching staff on the possibility of participation in the mobility programmes on the website of RRiF College, social networks, notice boards and the IT communication system of RRiF College, • Dissemination of experience and acquired knowledge by the persons who participated in the mobility • Regular updates of the website of RRiF College in the Croatian and English languages • Keeping contacts with partner institutions and finding new possibilities to sign partnership agreements • Adjustment of formal documents, aiming at increasing the students’ and staff mobility according to the guidelines of the Erasmus+ Programme. The conducted activities have resulted in the realization of most of the determined goals. In view of the mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff all the determined goals have been achieved. Two persons participated in professional training and two persons held lectures. In view of the mobility of students (studying and/or practical work) the goals have not been completely realized. Although the mobility of students for studying purposes has been realized (which means the improvement of the results of the students mobility at the College), the efficiency of the achieved results is 50%. Regarding the context in which the mobility is being carried out at RRiF College, the increased interest of the students in mobility has been observed, although the mobility has not been accordingly realized. The achieved results of the staff mobility have contributed to the transfer of knowledge, competences and experience. In view of the students’ mobility, besides the formal part of the study, especially important is the intercultural dimension of the mobility and personal development in the sense of improvement of social competences and open-mindedness to new experiences. All the above stated facts through dissemination activities are expected to have a positive effect primarily on the students and staff at RRiF College.

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