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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action “Learning Mobility of Individuals” in the Call 2014 the Paris Lordron University of Salzburg (A SALZBURG01) has applied for the following activities: Student Mobility between Programme Countries, Staff mobility for Teaching Purposes between Programme Countries and Staff Mobility for Training Purposes between Programme Countries. In order to allow these activities, Bilateral Erasmus Agreements with over 350 institutions of higher education in 90% of the programme countries have been concluded in accordance with the criteria of the European Commission. Institutional framework conditions for the performance of the activities have been expanded. The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg has informed the relevant target groups (students, scientific and general staff) about the Erasmus+ Programme in an extensive information campaign. In the field of student mobility, 159 mobilities have been achieved, which exceeds the goal of 158 mobilities. In the same programme period, 15 scientific employees of the University of Salzburg have received an Erasmus-grant for travel- and subsistence expenses for their teaching secondments abroad. In this field, the goal of 26 mobilities could not be reached. One of the reasons for this is the precept of 8 teaching-hours per week. In University-internal polls, this policy has turned out to be a major obstacle in the planning and realisation of exchange-terms in teaching. Staff mobility for training purposes has been funded by Erasmus-resources according to the planned number of educational Erasmus-stays (1 mobility). Feedback from Erasmus-participants shows a high level of satisfaction: 96.4% of outgoing students, 91.77% or incoming students and 100% of participants of the staff mobility programme (teaching- and staff mobility) have stated to be content or very content with their general Erasmus experiences abroad. Hence, it can be said in summary that the application’s quantitative and qualitative goals have been satisfactorily achieved. The European exchange of students and staff under the Erasmus+ Programme has become indispensable to the academic landscape of our institution. The internationalisation process at the University of Salzburg will be further shaped and determined by a continued participation in the Erasmus+ Programme.

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