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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

London Met and its predecessor institutions have been involved in the Erasmus staff and student exchange programmes since their inception. In previous years of the programme, substantial numbers of students were sent out and received into the institution and many academic staff carried out teaching exchanges. In the last few years, London Met as an institution has undergone major change, both in terms of the size and organisation of its faculties, the range of academic subjects taught and the structure of its undergraduate degree programme. Unfortunately these changes have had an adverse effect on Erasmus activity. We no longer teach modern languages to degree level, so no students use Erasmus to support their language year abroad. A popular dual degree with a French institution and other agreements with European universities have been discontinued. In particular, the change from a two-semester system to full-year modules from 2012/13 has made it impossible for many of our students to participate in one semester exchanges, and full-year exchanges are not as attractive for a variety of reasons. However we have retained many of our Erasmus partnerships in the expectation that outgoing student numbers will increase over the coming years. In 2014/15 we received 38 incoming exchange students. London Met University operated a small number of mobilities during the 2014 project period. These comprised four staff teaching and one staff training placements and five student study exchanges. Two additional student exchanges took place, but were not included in the final report as the students involved failed to return all their paperwork and complete reports. All teaching participants felt their placements were worthwhile and would contribute to their own personal development and have wider benefits in their academic subject areas. The students were in general happy with their exchanges and felt that their experiences had increased their confidence and knowledge and would improve their employability in the future.
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