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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bangor University has been a proponent and practitioner of Erasmus+ type programmes for many years, subscribing to its missions, values and impact. It has been used in 2014/2015 to give students and members of staff the opportunity to experience life as a student, employee, researcher and lecturer in new environments with new challenges in language, culture and practice. Our results demonstrate that Erasmus+ positively and significantly impacts those who have participated: it has increased their appetite for international cultures, opened doors, challenged and, ultimately, strengthened both their academic and life skills. 138 individuals have benefited from funding which has enabled the completion of undergraduate degrees with international experience, and staff members to raise the profile of their research internationally. Our activities fell into three main categories: student mobility to partner universities, student mobility to employers and members of staff teaching abroad. Each component contributed not only to individual benefit, but also to the profile raising of Bangor, Wales, the UK and Europe generally. Ultimately, the project is internationalising the Bangor University campus, making us a truly international institution for the region.
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