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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background: The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa with the City Council of Terrassa and in particular with the Council of the FP of the municipality, are promoting international mobility for more than 10 years. This trajectory was initiated with scholarships granted by the City to recent graduates of vocational training students (intermediate and higher grade), of which the Cambra managed the stay of the scholarship recipients, looking for the right company for a mobility internship be held . This relationship has evolved over the years, with participation in Leonardo mobility programs and to reach, in this project, a consortium composed of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa, the Consell de Formació Professional (City of Terrassa) and 4 vocational training centers: INS Copèrnic Nicolau, Santa Eulalia INS, INS and INS Terrassa Montserrat Roig. Objectives: The main objective of the program has been facilitating international mobility through internships in different countries, recent graduates in FP higher level/grade. For this 11 scholarships, which were approved they were requested, but later reduced to 10. Number and profile of participants: Finally 8 people could make an international mobility practices. These people have been graduates of top grade FP: Marc Benito Sánchez: CFGS Chemical industries Ricard Joan Cruz: CFGS Chemical industries Axel Lozano Casajuana: CFGS Audiovisual Production Projects Cristina Serra Payet: CFGS Trade and Marketing Olga Rodriguez Gallardo: CFGS laboratory analysis and quality control David Valls Berengueras: CFGS Trade and Marketing Barbara Pena Manzano: CFGS International Trade Jaime Diaz Castilla: CFGS Administration and Management Description of the activities carried out: Once granted scholarships bases for selecting scholarship recipients were published. These bases meant that people who would meet the requirements for a selection process in which the level of foreign language (English or French, usually vehicular languages ​​practices) would be assessed and a personal interview would take place. Once woodcocks people selected list and the Chamber of Commerce contacted grantees for conducting a training session on the operation and management of these grants (documentation, legislation, payment management, license language, ...) was published. At this time the contact with foreign partners and companies adjust to the profiles selected in order to close the mobilities within the project started. In most cases, prior to the closing of the contract, a contact between host company and scholarship (email, telephone or Skype), which allowed the parties were known, answer questions and finish defining the business plan was carried out and tasks the / the scholar / to develop in the company during her internship. During the stay he was contacted regularly with participants, mainly through email. Specifically, once they arrived, had the slogan contact the Chamber to confirm that they had arrived safely, and then every fortnight about were contacted again with them to monitor the development of practices. Finally, individual meetings were held at the end of the stay, allowing to manage the closure of mobility, as well as having an assessment of the experience. Results and impact obtained and long-term benefits: Although initially eleven people plus two on the waiting list were selected finally only 8 mobilities could be done, involving seven companies of different host, as two of the participants had the same host company. The waiver by some selected, or wait list, were due to reasons beyond the project (in some personal cases and other professionals). Regarding the final assessment of mobility has been positive, both as personal experience as a professional, as shown in the final reports of mobility tool. Likewise, participants positively value the improvement in their language skills in different languages ​​that have developed their stay. It should be noted that participants value positively obtaining a Europass certificate upon completion of their mobility that reflects the realization of the tasks set. Also, currently it is conducting an impact study among participants in mobility projects since 2007, on the main shaft of improving employability. Which a report will be issued at the end of July this year.
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