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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Luis Manuel García Urrea Foundation is a small private center of about 110 students who are studying Advanced Vocational Courses on Early Childhood Care and Education in Saragossa (Spain), of whom half of them (50) would be an objective of Erasmus mobility. We belong to a young center without any direct experience in internationalization tasks and we want to take advantage of the Erasmus University Charter on Higher Education (ECHE) in order to open up to the outside world, to be able to offer to both teachers and students the opportunity of performing stays in other European Community countries. We would like to create cooperation agreements for enabling our students to undertake their internship period and also exchange our teachers with other Montessori Centers (a methodology widely implemented in schools all over the world). As we are sharing facilities with another center which has already participated in this type of project we are already familiar with how it works so we are not starting from scratch. Likewise, we have wide experience in managing internships in our local area. The Spanish Education System compels their students of Vocational Courses to perform a training module in job sites that is called “Formación en centros de trabajo” (FCT) which is a practice period that they carry out in a certain company under the supervision of a company tutor and a school tutor. This module is compulsory to obtain the final degree. Luis Manuel García Urrea Foundation wants to offer its students the opportunity to develop their training module in a place of the European Community, with full recognition, through the Erasmus program, to increase their students' employ-ability and chances. The length of time, contents and equivalence of ECTS points will be determined according to the law in each module and Vocational Course. We have realized that in such a strong economic crisis scenario as we are undergoing, to face mobility, in spite of subsidies, is regarded as an expensive activity that cannot be afforded by most of our students' families budget. We have tried to compensate for this vision by considering the activity as an investment from which the students will get a higher benefit in the long term. Despite having tried to transfer this vision and encourage our students to carry out this activity, this first year we haven't been able to perform a mobility with any of them. With regard to the school staff, one teacher has carried out a training mobility. Previously this year, information meetings were conducted to let the students know about the Erasmus mobility program. Afterwards, doubts were solved among those students who were interested in taking part in such program although finally none of them took the chance. The reasons for these results were mainly economic, students had to spend a lot of money even if they had the Erasmus subsidy, they also argued that they preferred to continue studying in Spain the University degree of Primary or Preschool Teacher, that they were afraid of not understanding another language. Finally, there was a certain amount of conformism in their attitude in the majority of the cases. Next year, we will highlight the benefits that the students will obtain from an internship mobility to see if they feel encouraged by the idea and some of them actually succeed in carrying it out. We believe that it will strengthen their curriculum, employ ability, their development in another language, and they will be enriched by other cultures and other ways of working. The teacher who went on a training mobility, informed about his experience to the rest of the staff in a staff meeting, together with expressing the need to foster more training mobility experiences among his colleagues in the near future, too. He suggested as well the possibility of asking for “job shadowing” mobility which would be more enhancing for the center.
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