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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objectives of this project are based on Lääne-Viru College`s general objectives, which are to be both in Estonia as well as internationally recognized educational institution with modern learning environment and provide training in the field of economics, management and social services. Also helps raise public awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation, provide possibilities for lifelong learning and conduct applied research and develop the curricula. The objectives of this project are: improving the quality of teaching - curriculum development and international mobility. College participated in the Erasmus mobility program + submeasure KA1-Learning Mobility for individuals that directly supports the curriculum, the students and faculty development. We have aimed that all higher education curricula taught here would have international contacts for supporting the mobility. We have signed eight bilateral cooperation agreement with the EU higher education institutions, students are informed regularly of learning and practice opportunities. Erasmus + Coordinator is counselling students while they are studying abroad and in organizing their internship. The number of students engaging in mobility has been in a rising trend. In academic year 2014-2015 , 15 students participated in the Erasmus + program, 3 of whom studied abroad at a partner institution in Portugal. Practice or in another words learning in working environment, which is of particular importance to the implementation of the curriculum, forms 26% of the studies, allowing students to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills and to create opportunities needed to acquire effective working methods. Internship is first and foremost learning through diversity. Both formal learning and working life interweave, as well as national and professional culture. Internship abroad in a foreign environment will test communication skills and foreign language skills. A student is held responsible for his duties in a foreign environment, and it is necessary to adapt to a new team. Comparison of life in another country - and organization will provide an opportunity to analyze their skills, and increases the motivation to improve themselves and through this provides better opportunities for employment prospects at home as well as abroad. Erasmus + program has been an opportunity for lecturer to teach at the partner institutions attend professional lectures and to supplement their professional development. We have been developing the curriculum, conducted applied research, seminars and conferences and business events. The priorities of International cooperation are improving the quality of teaching as well as student and staff mobility.

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