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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In February 2014, Turkish National Agency (TNA) organized an informative meeting on Traineeship Consortium with the participation of higher education institutions and chambers/associations from the private sector in Izmir and surrounding regions. In this meeting hosted by our university, TNA representatives especially requested from us to establish and lead a consortium in cooperation with Izmir Chamber of Commerce. Our university accepted this offer gladly and founded “Erasmus Traineeship Consortium Izmir” immediately under the coordination of Izmir University of Economics and with the participation of Ege University, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Manisa Celal Bayar University and Izmir Chamber of Commerce on behalf of private business sector. After the establishment in March, the consortium prepared a work plan in July following the announcement of the grants allocated to the consortium and started working in October with the start of the academic year. All 6 partners of the consortium attended the informative meeting in October 16, 2014 in Ankara organized by TNA and gained the first necessary information. In the first coordination meeting, studies given in 5 partner universities were considered and 10 target businees fields for traineeship were selected as “logistics, health, tourism, information technology, fashion design/textile, agriculture&technology, public relations/advertising, architecture, international relations/politics, energy/environment” and a detailed action plan fort he next 10 months was prepared. In line with the grants allocated to send 79 students for 3 months, partners of the consortium agreed on that around 8 internship places per business field would be needed. Therefore, 10 business fields x 8 internship places, in total 80 students were planned for this mobility. In the coordination meetings held monthly as of October, partners shared updated information and discussed how to improve the number of internship places matching the criteria. At the end of February, internship places which were found by Izmir Chamber of Commerce were clearly listed. 51 places were found, to which 55 students could be placed (some places were open to accept 2 students). At the beginning of March, the consortium coordinator published all available places in the consortium webpage and requested all 5 partners to motivate their prospective students to apply to the published places. Application guideline was also published on this link. All applications were received by March 31, 2015. At the beginning of April, a meeting for distribution of places among the applicants has been organized. In this meeting with 5 partners’ participation; a fair distribution was made between partner universities and studies to match internship places in terms of content and scope. During the process, some internship places did not give a certain answer or did not confirm the placement, some places were not macthing the student study field precisely, there was not sufficient time for visa and similar reasons depending on both ends caused decrease in the mobility and there has been 23 internship matches before the start and realization of the mobility. As of June, placement and grant allocation were made by the consortium coordinator Izmir University of Economics. After the final progress before the mobility, withdrawal of students with personal reasons and/or visa problems caused another decrease. The mobility has realized with 19 students.

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