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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This particular mobility project consists of the mobility for studies and the mobility for placement (through studies) as well as the teaching staff and staff training mobility concerning the administrative and the academic staff who move abroad and come to our country in the framework of active signed bilateral agreements between the partner institutions. Regarding the studies, the main purpose of the students’ mobility is to spend a study period in partner institution abroad. When the study period is successfully completed, it is fully recognized by the General Assembly of the Department of the sending University. The benefits of the students’ participation in the Erasmus + program are various. Among them, we notice the acquisition of extra knowledge apart their typical education, the reinforcement of their skills and the abilities broadening the professional and intercultural horizons of the participants. The participation of the administrative and academic staff in training and teaching staff mobility respectively, is a valuable experience for the participants because through the transfer of the know-how contributes to the extension and the improvement of their scientific interests, while the added value for the participant and the institution is very important. The total number of the participants for the academic year 2014 - 2015 was the following : 143 outgoing students for a study period , 6 outgoing students for placement through studies, 51 academic staff for a teaching mobility and 63 academic & administrative staff for training mobility. 49 incoming professors have visited our Institute for teaching and 19 for training, while 125 incoming students have spent a study period in TEI of Athens and 6 incoming students’ from the partner institutions have completed their practical placement in TEI of Athens. The objectives of the project coincide with the results and the impact (long-term benefits) and this can be described as follows: Mobility for Studies: - Investigation of the foreign academic environment and research for the potential opportunities for postgraduate studies abroad. - Comparison and evaluation of the training of the home and host university. - Increasing of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship - Acquisition of a European dimension of their studies through the attendance of the lectures held by teachers with a different culture, different methodology and didactic methods. In this way, they are in contact with new methods and they explore new thematic objects - Improvement of the skills in foreign languages - Motivation of participation in future activities (formal / informal) education or training after the staff mobility period abroad. - Representation of the home institution and in particular of the different services, functions and study programmes. Teaching & Staff Training Mobility - Representation of the home institution and details of the services, functions and curricula - enhance openness. - Comparison of the operation of the home institution and host institution and transfer of knowledge (concerning incoming and outgoing students, academic and administrative staff ) Through these activities , we reinforce the recognition of the TEI and we enhance it’ s competitiveness of the European academic map. The selection and the evaluation of the candidate students, as well as the members of the academic and the administrative staff for their participation in Erasmus+ programme, are in compliance within in the Erasmus+ program is with all the legal procedures as are described in detail in the ISO 9001/2008, ensuring the legality and the transparency of all the procedures of TEI of Athens. The selection of the outgoing students is held according an official call of interest , that is sent during December to all the Departments of TEI, under the responsibility of the Faculties and indicates the deadlines for applications and all the relative documents that the candidate students have to submit in order to participate in Erasmus+ programme in the next academic year. There are 2 separate periods for students’ mobility, one for the autumn semester and the other spring semester. The requirements and all the relative documents regarding the students’ mobility are available in the website of the International In addition, the members of the academic and the administrative staff who are interesting in spending a teaching or training mobility period within the Erasmus+ program, follow the procedure described to the official Call of interest for participation in the Erasmus+ program which is sent to all the involved parties. All the procedure is carried out by the participants’ six months before their mobility period.
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